Zombie plague during prepatch

Needs to be at least a week long.

Please Blizzard give us the real Zombie plague event that was supposed to last a full week and don’t cave in to the players demanding it to end early because they can’t go to the AH or level an alt.

Events like this one are a major reason people have played classic and I know there are hordes of us waiting to enjoy it in its full glory.

Thank you and have a great day.

:skull: :brain: :brain:



I don’t think anyone would want a week of everything being gone because all the NPC’s are gone.

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Even back in the day not everything was gone. Org for example was but walking to the less used silver moon even on the mega realms was fine. As the ones wanting to destroy the entire city and keep it like that mainly was in the same place. While there was ways to counter the infection making it hard to spread it to the lesser used city’s and keep it spread there. While yes raid groups was made to kill of some city’s but the lesser used ones would get taken over than reclaimed rather easy as people got board camping there vs org as no where near the same amount of people to kill.

As a future DK I welcome the zombies and hope they enjoy their stay.

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If they are going to make it so the zombies cant attack players, npcs and only last 2 days, just delete the event.


I doubt it will be like the original zombie plague. They had so much bad feedback, said they would never do it again.

Probably some scaled back version.


Yes why not? Only lasts for a limited time and never comes back again, might as well go all out for it.


I look forward the amount of salt the forums will be flooded in upon Pre-Patch Event.

That being said, do not cater to them. It’s a great event.


I loved it the first time. We ran around defending zones and pushing back the invasion. I got NOTHING done the whole time. Log in, guild chat “we’re here. It’s getting bad. Bring the pally”…


They will just do the shadowlands baby version where nothing really was dangerous

It would be really cool to get a proper WOTLK prepatch event. Maybe throw an extra week of prepatch in so people have plenty of time do level prior to wrath launching.

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It will be the only PvP the PvP servers have seen in months!

Yes, please blizzard I request prepatch be extended from middle of sunwell to November or whenever wrath comes. Even better, Drop prepatch now. No more cities or auction houses till November. Just zombies zombies and zombies.

Starts to panic sell everything I own to amass as much gold as possible before the end of the world comes.

phase 5 will be 12 weeks like the rest right?

Get a group together that infects DKs as soon as they port outside of SW/org to piss off all of the people trying to level up their DKs

It was epiccccccc! remember seeing the boxes on the dock when I logged on’??? what’s those, were they there before? then in org just inside the entrance with my pally alt with others, it was like a wagon train circle and the zombies all around. ya doooo it dooo it dooo it.

*ok thinking about it how about this time for those that hated it make one faction city a safe zone, they can auction etc, as soon as you go in the guards clean you (I like the original better but if they feel the need to mess it up just a suggestion)

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