Similar to Article 288389, becoming a zombie in the new world event removes the Supercharged Chronoboon Displacer buff from your character while the item remains in your inventory.
Just had this happen to me, too. Pretty bummed as I kept them as a memento to remember how much prep work I had done for our final raid that ended up being cancelled.
Just had this happen on my DK. Went and got all the world buffs INCLUDING DMF which required me to lock my DK at 63 and wait a week for DMF. Really really bummed out. I guess I should throw out any hope that I will get them back.
I made a thread on the wow classic bug report too, more places the better I suppose
Hey just reporting in that I also lost my chronoboon buffs myself today… really bummed took a while to get all of them (-DMF)
Sorry to hear that man. I have already deleted my DK and we just finished getting all 7 of the buffs again. Just going to avoid the plague like the… plague this time!
Best of luck dude
My dk is almost pre patch bis </3
I legit almost did the same to be fair really bummed out about this
Had my chronoboon in bank. I turned into zombie and lost all my stored buffs as well (3dire maul/zg/ony/rend/darkmoonfaire/). Had stored since vanilla until now. Sucks man.
Reporting in that this happened to me as well. Put in a lot of time and gold and missed out on a lot of early prepatch stuff to get my DK all of the world buffs booned up and now they’re all removed. Hope this can get reverted as it’s something I’d been looking forward to, having the boon buffs in wrath as a memento.
Turning into zombie also prevents the “Haunted” buff from haunted memento from being displayed.
Posting here as well, had two guildies today who both got infected, turned into a zombie, then died, and both of them had 2 world buffs booned and did not lose them. Not sure if it means anything but its a start
I had same issue on my dk Overplagued on classic Faerlina how ever I heard about the issue with going zombie and losing them. I how ever lost mine but never became a zombie. I did a classic MC,Aq20< and Aq40 run on my dk for achievements and I think I might have lost mine when I died while min flayed in AQ40. I almost wanna just delete this game due to the never ending bug issues with a version of the game that is years old…
When did this happen? Also what buffs did you have and was it when you were mind controlled?
If it helps debug the issue, this happened to me several days ago. I was playing as my 70 DK in stormwind, just fighting the scourge for fun. Realized my chronoboon buff, that I had taken a good bit of time to get before hitting 63, was missing. I had the three diremaul tribute buffs, nef head, and ZG heart buffs. I was unable to get the songflower buff. I assume removed from game. I did not have the chronoboon item in my bags. It was in my bank.
Like someone else mentioned, the haunted buff from the haunted memento also gets removed when you turn into a zombie. Whereas, just like the chronoboon buff, it is not removed upon death typically. You have to put the item in the bank and put it back in your inventory to reclaim the buff.
At this point, because the event seems to be over, I’m more interested in seeing if they can implement a way to recover the lost chronoboon buffs for those that are levels 64+. I’m sure for some it seems like a silly thing, but for others it’s an important mark of honor and dedication, much like the entire point of earning achievements which is a core part of the game now.
just finally found a thread on this, originally i thought it was removed at wrath prepatch and just hadn’t noticed them gone but didnt realise it lined up exactly with the scourge stuff, i lost my full stuck of buffs i was keeping as a momento, RIP
Songflower isn’t removed but it is bugged. My friend was able to get his after clicking on a songflower the 2nd time he tried, both cleansed by me. Not sure how he was able to get his at lvl 62 (i was 61), and after 15 or so cleansed flowers i was unable to get one.
Update on trying to get back the world buffs
No luck GM’s legit told me they cant even verify my world buffs even tho i have the charged chronoboon in my bags with screenshots provided and everything…
Their response was to post in bug tracker and they cant do anything… 0/10 service
did you obtain the buffs and then do a server xfer, and lose them on your new server? if thats the case, they should be able to see you had the buffs from the snapshot of your character on previous realm.
or if you copied your character to ptr while still having the buffs.
I got an automated response telling me to go look at wowhead initially. Then they responded saying to post a bug report. I followed up asking what’s the next step, and if it’s possible to get the buffs back. I have not heard back.
They’ve said there is no way to restore the buffs.