Players who skipped BFA and are returning during 9.0.1 are not given access to Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades, even after reaching level 50 and playing through the BFA content. The zone just stays in its Cataclysm phase and there is no option to view the present timeline. Boosted characters can see Zidormi fine, but new characters playing the BFA timeline cannot see her (neither can old characters who were leveled up to 50 after the pre-patch).
Darkshore and Arathi Highlands do not have this issue. This is unique to Tirisfal Glades.
The questline for Battle for Lordaeron was removed, and even though the scenario can still be played this does not trigger Zidormi or a zone update.
I’m also having the same problem. I wasn’t offered the quest to go through the battle for Lordaeron scenario. Because of this I cannot access the destroyed version of Undercity and I do not see the forsaken refugees on top of the front gate rampparts in Orgrimmar.
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Conversely, as an Alliance character (playing through BFA content during BFA) I am still able to see her in Tirisfal with no issue, but she’s not visible for me in Darkshore.
I saw in the November 4th hotfix that they claimed to be fixing a related issue. This is clearly a bug and hopefully the devs will not ignore it.
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Still having this problem in 2022.
I can confirm a similar issue in 2022 as Alliance characters. If you haven’t completed the new SL Lordaeron quests, Zidormi doesn’t appear. I’d rather not have to do these quests on this alt just to do a Hallow’s End quest.
It would be nice if Bliz would fix this crap. Really a waste of our time to fly all the way to Undercity just to not find Zidormi. She should ALWAYS be there! It is sloppy programming that she disappears if you have or have not completed this or that quest.
If you can’t see Zidormi in Tirisfal, pick up the Tides of War quest in SW. Do the next couple of turn ins and you’ll end up in Boralus. You’ll be able to see here then.
As of 10/21/22, I can confirm that if you have a 60 and have not done any BFA content, you CAN NOT even get into Undercity. Nor can you do the Hallow’s End Content.
I take every Horde character to Silverpine Forest at level 20 and if I take the portal to UC from Org I land next to Zildormi and she is there. If I take the portal from Silvermoon City to UC the zone is normal. Zildormi is not there.
I then click her and change to zone I so I can use it.
Works every time.
Before I go to Silvermoon City to start questing I always use Chromie to set Cataclysm to level in.
That’s exactly what I’ve just encountered. Prior to this toon turning 60 (about 5 mins ago), she could get into the pre-BfA Undercity, although she had no access to the flight point, and had to fly in and out of Brill. I checked for Zidormi, but she wasn’t present. Still isn’t, now that I’m 60. FFS, this is essentially material that’s two expansions old. FIX IT, BLIZZ!
I play on WrA. I just took my level 60 Vulpera Priest to Tristfal Glades and she is standing right next to Zildormi.
The zone is in SL mode right now. No flight point for UC.
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For the record, I did the entire questline for the new Forsaken lore and I did some trickery with Party Sync, and even attempted the “Fly to Deathknell and back” fix, and nothing fixed Zidormi missing. It only got fixed when I lucked out trying another fix with my friend on their lowbie, when I went to Orgrimmar I was able to pick up the starter quest for BFA, I did that, skipped the Stormwind Scenario, and then kept doing that questline until you talk to Talanji after summoning the Horde. Once I got the achievement “Welcome To Zuldazar” I went back to Tirisfal, and she was still not showing on the map, but when I flew over to where she is she WAS there, so if you do the BFA intro this should theoretically fix it for you, as well. This was as of 15 minutes ago, so this is still an ongoing bug but that is what I did to fix it.
Just want to confirm that doing the opening to BfA up to getting this achievement works. Once I got it, I went to Org, took the portal to UC, and I could now see Zidormi.
yea pathetic asf, doing my rogue class mount quest for alliance and im forced to have to do all this extra sh1t just to play the game zzzzzzzzzzz. small indie game company
Having this problem right now, can’t find Zidormi anywhere and I need to explore the zone to get Familiar Skies.
I had to abandon my druid and make a new one, to fix the problem
She isn’t there for me either. I’m in the current time and want to go back to the past to Undercity. Unfortunately I’m trying to get there on my dracthyr. Anyone know how to help me with this issue, like what needs to be done.
I played through BfA. The whole expansion. I even got the AOTC. I am having problems to get into UC. I am trying to do it with my main, so I dont know how to fix this.
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I cannot see Zidormi with my Dracthyr. I want to access original Tirisfal Glades so I can get the Faerie music scroll for my Garrison.