Zerith Mortis Weekly

So after all the time Spent from Tuesday and Wednesday I was like 5% left on the Weekly, and was going to finish today. Log in only to find it’s gone, and there a new one… are you kidding me? I spent about a total of an Hour chasing Rares, just to see them Die at my feet, or 45min collectively over the two days trying to platform to treasures, just to see chest despawn. WTF!!!


Did you not see the timer next to the quest that said you had until Thursday morning reset to complete it?


it’s bi-weekly, but yeah it sucks that it reset your progress.

hopefully a blue chimes in with some good news.


It’s not a weekly. It’s a three day quest.


Not bi-weekly, it’s simply every 3 days. Which is dumb, but it is what it is.


It resets progress? Why would it do that? Korthia weekly doesn’t do that. I hope that’s a bug.


It only shows in the questlog unless some addon lets you see it elsewhere, even clicking the quest won’t show you this information.


It does have a timer on the quest log, but I was almost caught out. It is stupid and I too presumed I had all week to casually get it done at my pace.
Live and learn but yeah, it’s lame.


Guy on discord was big mad over having his progress wiped. If Korthia doesn’t reset, nor should this. They really should make it clear that it will reset if you don’t complete it in time.

Edit: would like to point out that this quest awards 500 rep. A lot of people missed out by not turning it in on time.


no, I did not.

Oh bother. I just assumed it would be a weekly, and I haven’t done Jack all.

“Oh, I can catch up on the weekend,” I thought.

Well, to be frank, if it’s twice weekly I likely wouldn’t keep up. But I mighta tried for a while had I known earlier.

That sucks your progress gets wiped though. At least the Korthia Bar rolled over.

I thoyght it was a friday swap like invasions in bfa? I had 94% left to complete as well. Guess im Behind now rofl

What does that thing even award?

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rep, 233 item and some currency.

I haven’t even started ZM and from what I’ve read I don’t have much desire to start. What’s with this “time” stuff, Blizz? Let us play at our on pace!!!

Rep 233? Woopee. Ain’t gonna help me much if at all. This game has changed so much over the past few years, and not for the good.


Maybe just maybe this can be bring to the Community Council just saying…some post about this, community disapointment and the timer doesn’t show up on a user friendly interface… i didn’t notice it until now that you mentioned questlog.

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I think the quest being a 3 day thing is great, but I think that the progress should roll over, same as Korthia, same as weekly 1k anima acquisition. I don’t want to get tricked into feeling rushed to complete this, so I won’t be.


I definitely won’t. I wasn’t even finishing the Korthia weekly every week and just getting the last 20%ish the following week. I simply don’t have the time to waste.

At least if this one carried over, I’d be able to finish it at some point. But if it’s going to reset, then it’s not even worth me picking it up in the first place.


I will, I didn’t even know it was shown ingame until a friend told me about the questlog either. Can’t remember the last time I opened the questlog honestly


My one critique is the way the zone is currently playing out. I don’t have this and that opened up yet, so there’s like… two daily quests and two world quests for the day, and the rest is just rare camping. I like hunting rares and completing meta achievements, however, I do not do this first day bum rush stuff that a lot of people do. I don’t think it takes much to fill the bar for the quest, but it currently takes TOO much travelling to rares that die as soon as they come into your field of view. I’m sure it will improve later down the road, especially with flying.

But I am still hoping that this weekly quest (or however you want to call it) will be fixed to work like Korthia. I also had a habit of finishing up the last 20% or so in the following week in Korthia.


Not only the timer that could be a great thing to add but the players concerns regarding this style of quest…

Just look what they did to my friend Thallia D: Monsterssss we want quest that could be carry or completed in a rush if you want like 8.3 bi weekly, there was more events, rares on Uldum/Vale for Nzoth assaults.