Zereth Mortis Maps look awesome! And much larger than Korthia!

From the looks of it, Blizzard heard how disappointing Korthia was, and made ZM much-much larger it seems!

Based off the screenshots, it could be on par with a Shadowland zone, along with a few extra Korthia-sized maps on the sides.

It’s great.
I don’t know about you guys, but I am very excited for 9.2! It actually looks pretty cool imho!



Okay Danuser, settle down. We will see when we get there.


Indeed. The size of the zone is one thing, but how the zone works is another. I don’t want to spend hours camping rares for my one daily loot again. I don’t want to see another Soundless. I don’t want the zone to be painful to navigate pre flight like Nazjatar. I don’t want the zone to be just hunting stars on the map. And I certainly don’t want the story to be weekly 10 min long wastes of timr!


I’m gonna hold out until the patch is released for a few weeks before deciding if it’s worth resubbing to check out or not.

Despite my recent bitterness, I do want WoW to be better.

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Don’t jump the gun. Korthia being disappointing had very little to do with its size. There’s just nothing in it.


Yeah I’m really looking forward to the floating trees and rocks too!

It’s not the size of the zone that matters but how they use it.

Direct link for others

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The new zones look like they straight up stole the forerunner aesthetic from 343 industries. If I were the One of the Halo creators I’d be suing.

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Makes sense, they did fairly big zone in 8.3 in BFA.
They do this many months in advance but perhaps they heard some feed back on Korthia and did some tweaking but this really starts off waaaaaay in advance even before Korthia is released.

I don’t have a guild to do end game with so I’m indifferent to that content. I’m interested to see the profession system they did and the small content there will be on the zone, that’s about it. Not excited but wish I was.

I actually am feeling more enthusiastic about 9.2 as well. Also, I agree with you about what we’ve seen of the new maps. It really looks intriguing with a lot of potential there. When I first seen that map, I was like woah… that looks good.

This zone looks tiny. Then again, maybe the pool in the center will be massive.

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Why did they make a big deal about walking on water when there’s only like 1 large body of water at the western end

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yeah… the final zone, the final level in each videogame sense, we have to feel a great calm before the storm, especially the feeling they do in the final zones in the RPG’s.

But if you want this area to be at least memorable, there is only one thing missing from the Korthia lost as the worst WoW zone.

And it’s like Argus, it’s:


Blizzard has to do the area well to want to go there with a tranquility and that atmosphere to a new zone in which we want to go see.

It won’t allow me to post ptr links. Only normal wowhead ones work…

This map was likely in design long before Korthia was ever released.

I wonder if the zone will be time-gated.

Alien creatures we’ve never seen before, like chickens, rabbits and snails, and FLOATING THINGS!

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Isn’t the sky box supposed to be upside down how’s that going to work?

Possibly ducks but can’t confirm