Zereth Mortis Maps look awesome! And much larger than Korthia!

Well, if you were the dev and artst. What would you have put in there?
Its easy to judge while you are behind the screen & work at a call center.

I’m pretty pumped, I think they said it’s about the size of Nazjatar

Just looks like Auchindoun 2.0 to me. Will it have endless series of switchbacks to slow down travel?

The paid hype train is in over drive today…

Zereth Mortis gives me Minecraft vibes

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I would’ve used my imagination, and created creatures we’ve never seen the likes of before (as was quoted in the video) instead of showing creatures we’ve seen a million times already.

Word on the street; it’s the size of Telogrus Rift. It has a giant treadmill on one side and Carousel on the other.

The outside is a giant infinite mist filled with monsters from all over the game; it’s possible to get lost in the mist. You cannot hearth; but if you’re lucky you can find a rift guardian that’ll send you to some random place in the entire game even GM island. It might even send your toon back to classic WoW; results may vary on who or what your toon becomes.

I feel it’s less about the content and more about how it was presented in the reveal video. They just shouldn’t have shown us stuff we’ve seen before and called it “new, never before seen” type of stuff, paraphrased.