Zekvyr still Impossible on BM hunter

If Ion posted on the forums telling us how bad we are and everything was a skill issue, my every day would be filled with small moments of joy.


But to loop these two things together.

Concerning the topic of “we would rather you not play demo”. That was said 100% as a joke. Then they added some real feedback as to what was going on with demo.

We ignored their 3 paragraphs of actual response to focus on a joke sentence and for a decade pretend like they said it sincerely.


Ion would get roasted for his own logs but hell yeah, more popcorn all around.

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What diff does that make? Makes it even more pathetic he cant down Zekvir with an OP class like BM hunter.

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probably because they dont communicate. talking at someone isnt the same as talking with someone.

Who here should they talk “with”?

I find so many people posting on the forums barely or just dont understand the basics of playing the game to begin with. The S4 tier voting conversation threads convinced me of this.


Folks these days have been taught that all opinions are “equal and valid”.

Outside of lala land, there are silly and incorrect opinions.

He one shots all permanent pets.
You’re supposed to take the hits yourself
I did it at 605 on my BM hunter some months ago
You got this


And so you have to spend half the conversation explaining the basics of what is even being talked about.

Its why I just come here for entertainment. The shaman class discords (cant speak for all classes) tend to have great conversations.


I probably have a double digit smortness and I can beat him.

I believe in you op


Unless he has DBM or cheap auras to light up a button or give him instructions on what to do, he’s just gonna be lost.

As for the OP, maybe pay that tryhard raider trying to paywall an aura to code one up for you telling you to turn growl off and get aggro yourself before using kill command. I know, I know that’s gonna break the simple tryhard raiding brain that just oozes for parsing on a boss, but you gonna have to.

Ok I can do that, look at this achievement and screenshot:

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At first I was going to respond and be like “wellll to be fair Banshers is a stupidly good player”…then I scrolled and saw all the other videos and was like oh hot damn nevermind lmao. You covered lots of bases.


I was scrolling on my phone and they just kept coming. Bravo!


Yes, you are not supposed to pet tank it.

I abandoned that pretty quickly on warlock because it actually made the fight harder, even when the pet didn’t die.

Forgive me, but I just copied my response in another thread.

I did this as BM at about 618ish, I think. I attempted this over multiple days with different builds and finally got this done.
I imagine there are lots of ways to approach this. This is what worked for me.

Pet Taunt Off
You are mostly face tanking this and sometimes Brann
I only MD to Brann

I hit the boss several times before I let my pet go in and my pet only died once in the fight.

I took my Delve build and then got rid of things I didn’t need and tried to buff my pet as best as I could.

I used a new UI set up for my bars with only the things I needed for the fight. And I moved my spells around to help me remember that I was changing my rotation.

I adjusted my gear to give me increased speed - I find my reaction time is a bit slower now and I kept barely getting clipped by things.

I had Hearty Food and Flasks and the typical. I also healed a soldier in the Hallowfall infirmary which gives a 2 hour buff that heals a small amount every 5 or 10 seconds. Lasts through death.

Used Brann as heals and Amorphous Relic and Porcelain Arrow

This is not a DPS race. It is a long haul mechanics fight.

I saved BW, DB and most KC for the eggs. I was mostly just trying to maintain frenzy stacks with an occasional CS or KC on Zek

Keep him in the center of the room and you are less likely to have the egg spawn in a corner.

You need to stay close enough to get out of fear but not so far you can’t avoid the cone (speed helps)

Only Disengage for Spittle, if Brann doesn’t get it. This was SO HARD, because I use disengage all the time.

And Disengage TOWARDS OR THROUGH the boss. I tend to move away and would then get caught in the cone. This was very hard to train myself to do.

There is a rhythm to the fight of constantly moving out and then back in.

Macro to target boss and cast interrupt and then back to last target. Seemed the heal would often happen when dpsing the egg. This interrupts and gets you back on the egg.

Blew all cooldowns on egg and once it did spawn but Intimidate DOES interrupt and gave me a chance to finish it off.

If you stay close to him and keep him near the middle, Brann’s pots are more likely to be near you and not on the other side of the room.

When Zek melees you, there will be 3 hits and likely kill you, especially if he crits. This is when you run over the healing pots. If you are staggering a few seconds between each one, the initial heal and heal over time will get you through it as you run away.

I also had my own healing pots and the Cave Dweller ones as well.

Phase 1 is awful and nearly all my attempts were getting through this. Once I got to Phase 2, it was less than 20 attempts to finish it.

Phase 2, you need to avoid standing between the portals because the spell damage travels through them

Top down camera to avoid the spikes.

The 4 Orbs are cast from his Front, Back and 2 Sides, so look at how he is facing.

I never watched his health during the fight until I realized he was nearly dead and nearly scuffed it.

My fight was nearly 10 minutes long because I was extra careful to have enough dps for the egg and was likely overly cautious.

It took me just over 300 attempts and I don’t care who knows that. I’ll bet half of them were a fail in the first minute because I was always too far away or getting clipped.

I made a ton of mistakes and needed to change a lot of muscle memory. I kept tweaking my rotation and approach. I also panic easily and tend to get focused on the next thing coming and bork what I am doing.

Once I recognized the rhythm of the fight and how to use the healing pots effectively, things changed.

This fight is brutal. However, if I can squeak my way through then any of you can as well.

I hope some of this helps
Good Luck to everyone still working on this


I’m like 609 on my hunter, and made considerable progress on Zek ??. Just need to finish it before the season ends.

Yeah, you want to face tank it yourself- pet dying is too much of a DPS loss.

Rely on Brann floor pots and Exhilaration to keep yourself alive, save Turtle for when you really mess up, and need to rez pet or something if it does die.

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Just completed it on my BM hunter (main). 623 ilvl.

Had tried it a whole bunch on my alt Ret Pally and got the mechanics down but I kept losing due to the lack of a ranged interrupt. Did it in 30 minutes of trying on the hunter.

More or less standard single-target raid build, Clefthoof pet, macro for @focus Countershot and macro for /tar Egg + cast Dire Beast. Save Dire Beast and Bestial Wrath for egg. Having a macro for targeting the egg with an opener is very helpful. Don’t get too far away from him so you don’t die from the cone attack.

Skill issue.

At 633 he should melt.