7 months in, fully geared 633 ilvl mythic raider, and still can’t beat Zekvyr because he instantly one-shots BM pets in first second of fight. I don’t expect Blizz to ever fix this. But thought I’d post anyway.
its like this by design, just turn off growl. zekvir will always 1shot or do like 60-80% of your pet’s health
I had a heck of a time getting Brann to cooperate and not get feared straight out the room, so the fight would reset. I ran it as heals, let Brann tickle Zek to death.
Handled the cocoons as heals? Nice work.
Do NOT start the fight with your pet out.
Summon it in a few seconds later. Md yourself or bran.
The key is YOU get initial threat established and not your pet. Otherwise it will get one shot every time.
But it’s also meant to be like this so you can’t cheese the fight by using your pet.
Zekvir is prob easiest on BM Hunter if not near easiest. This is a skills issue.
WtB an interrupt as Priest healer.
Likewise for Resto Druid.
They have Skull Bash in general tree
But hes a mythic raider
Guess I missed that when I searched for “interrupt” in the skill tree window. I’ll have a look, thanks.
Doesn’t matter how gear you are, BM Hunter’s pet are terrible right now. Feels like pets are made out of toilet paper. Blizzard needs to bring back pet talents to made them strong again.
But but but, it’s impossible!
Those don’t count
There was more, but I thought that was enough for comedic effect and to /thread. lmao
You know what is a skill issue. Devs unable to communicate with the players
That video makes me so mad. Just like the whole do not play demonology
Players really hate it when devs communicate though.
Then it’s a skill issue we both have lol
Although I’m here. As are yall most days ready to initiate a conversation
If dev communication was more frequently blunt and honest instead of weaselly and self-serving, it would be better received. They like to just drop changes and make up some wishy-washy excuse and then not respond when that reasoning gets punched full of holes.
“We’re doing X because we want higher player retention numbers.” Whoops, that sounds bad… is it the wording that’s the problem, or the action itself?