Is it confirmed with all the chaos blizz has been doing with delve changes and tuning, this is impossible now? I’ve read posts and seen videos of dps players doing this with Brann pretty much tanking and soloing the boss but when I tried last night, my Brann (lvl 27 dps) is getting one shot.
Multi billion company acts like a multi dollar company
People who did it before the changes have almost all came forward saying it’s no longer doable with the same strata they used
I’ve legit given up on it for now, maybe when branns 60
Alright I had a feeling that was the case. I also feel like the fight itself is sooooo poorly designed
His frontal cones were reworked as well
Watch a video before the change and you’ll see him target you or brann or sometimes just a random direction
Now it’s always at you
Is the double frontal cast a change too?
It feels like it’s cast alot closer together for sure
Yeah, I 2-shot the lower difficulty one, came back to do the higher one after the adjustments and Brann is either AFK or dying to stuff now. Probably like 10-15 pulls that lasted a decent while just to barely get 80-85% Oh, well. Maybe it’ll be cool now because I was sort of underwhelmed for the lower one to just fall over.
It’s the first time I’ve had to revive Brann because he just has his turtle procced insta then is knocked out shortly after even if I’m doing what I can to try to drag the big feller away from him.
Yes it is confirmed impossible after the hotfixes yesterday, and no one has completed it solo since.
Brann went from slightly OP to completely useless.
602 Prot Warrior and I have him as a healer and he dies before the first egg…
Brann is level 28 btw.
10 to 1, they did it before blizz did the so called ‘’ hotfix’’ !
Well, delves were fun for 2 days. Gj Blizzard
His AI will still be borked, even at 60.
I’m very skeptical of Brann tanking him. I tried it a couple times on my Hunter and Brann didn’t last very long.
prior to the changes brann took like 90% reduced damage…
now he takes full damage so if it hits you for 2million now it hits him for the same.
Also his pets are bugged half the time they just sit there now and yikes.
Delves are kinda bad/even worse now in groups of 3 or more.
Are we talking about ? or ?? difficulty? I am having trouble doing ? in tank spec since hotfixes went live.
28 is pretty low tbh he should be at 32-35 before going in every level effects his dmg/healing and it gets fairly good at 35-38
Both. ? is rough but ?? is unbeatble atm the dmg is insane. brann gets 1-2 tapped , the egg has more hp then it should. overall ?? is likely not going to be done unless they fix brann and the scaling.
If the cone hits him in ?? he pretty much gets killed and if he gets feared its a wrap likely . if the add has more then half hp by the time its out you are dead period as you wont have the cc’s to burst 10 mil dmg in 10-15 seconds
“?” is possible after the buff, I completed it as 600 ilvl Diabolist Demonology Warlock, with Brann as DPS. “??” is a bit out of reach for now. Brann was 29 during completion.
Time completed was around 8:30pm in Queensland, Australia on Sunday the 15th of September.
I did change a few talents to enable my Felguard to take a few more hits. Amplify Curse, Demonic Resilience. However, even with those changes, I used Soulburn: Health Funnel quite a few times.
yup cause brann was bugged. he was able to basically solo zekvir while the player just had to afk and watch youtube videos. people exploited this to get their achievements and feats.