Zekvir - Shadow Priest literally impossible

So Zekvir ?? is legit impossible to solo as a Shadow Priest.

Zekvir has 2 very important abilites that you must interupt, or you fail.

You can let the first cast of Enfeebling Spittle go off and Brann will instant dispel it.
You can Silence the first Regenerating Carapace spell.
Brann does not dispel the 2nd Enfeebling Spittle, and my silence is still on CD.
If I some how surivive this dot, I still can’t Silence the 2nd Regenerating Carapace, because Silence is still on CD, and he heals up.

This fight really needs to check what Class you are, and what Spec you are because right now, the ONLY way I can see a Shadow Priest killing this dude, is if you have BIS gear.

I can’t speak on the other classes but I am sure they have other or similar issues regarding this, so please adjust this.


it quite literally is impossible to solo, I’ve tried for many hours straight and even just hopped on again after the patch to try, Brann refuses to take threat once in the whole fight, our dots don’t tick fast enough to destroy the eggs before they hatch, and our awful kick has a million year cooldown, funny how the expac about VOID completely forgot about the class that uses it


Enfeebling spittle is a slow, so you can phantasm it with fade. Only kick the heal (Take the 15s silence cdr talent to make sure you have it for each one).

? Zekvir is more than fine to do as SP.

?? Will be fine when we can beat the dps check on the webs.

Before they changed brann to take reduced damage I got him to 18% on ?? after they nerfed brann by managing to have brann dead enough that I could MC the spiders and fade them onto zekvir so he’d kill them. 18% is the closest anyone has gotten to killing Zekvir post changes, you could even argue Shadow was pretty much the ony spec in the game that could have killed it at the time.

Best I’ve gotten since the changes is 55% on my ww monk. I know I’m not a top tier player, but dang.

Yep. Once again delves are showing us what the real issue is, class imbalance. There was a time we would have been able to hang but casters, except mages, are expected to not have tools to deal with melee in pvp or environmental pve in certain content.

Or people could read their spells…

Disc / holy not having a kick at all is a problem.

But shadow has ALL the tools needed to solo zekvir.

And you know this cause youve done it on your lvl 10?


That level 10 is Ellipsis, the guy that writes some of our guides btw, also a mod in the Warcraft Priest discord. The reasons he’s level 10 is because he is an EU player and EU players have no other option but to make a level 10 to post here cause the EU forums are basically dead.

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I mean… yes?


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Show the actual date stamp of that. because about 99% sure you did not get that post Brann Nerf


EU Date format. That’s still today for NA though right?

Probably coulda done it with less gear. Was overkilling eggs a lot once I got the setup down.

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? is not the problem.
?? is literally impossible for anyone except for warriors with spell reflect cheese

Okay I’m still unsure if shadow priest means Zekvir is unkillable.

However, myself (havoc DH) and a priest did just kill him as a duo. Have you tried it with a friend? Like a warrior, paladin, DK, or DH?

No it isn’t.

It’s not impossible, it’s just much, much harder on certain specs.

Shadow is genuinely one of the best specs in the game at zekvir.

Or you can stop being condescending and update your delve guide. Like legit, why is it the same as M+ when you are solo?

You have Twins of the Sun Priestess talents, which is a waste. You don’t have improved Silence and you have life grip talented. Who are you life gripping on a solo Zekvir?

Once again proving that WoWhead has lazy talent writers, who just spit out BS.

There’s no guide explicitly for zekvir yet, I was going to actually beat it first before I wrote anything. Twin’s sun priestess works on brann because he acts as a party member. Improved silence didn’t feel particularly necessary in regular delves and brann can be extremely annoying positionally so I like to have life grip to get him back near me when he decides to run away like a coward. It’s also useful on the zekvir fight to grip him out of angler’s web if it’s going to kill him (Or to grip him into angler’s web if he’s infinitely feared and you need him to die to reset it.)

When I killed it I wrote a full Zekvir “??” guide and posted it on the forums. I’m in the process of transferring that information to its own guide page on wowhead as we speak.

I’ve also just found a video of someone using that guide to get a kill themselves.


Hope it helps people.

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did you read this before posting? stop and think who are you gripping on zekvir a certain key individual

Coming from someone who is an expert on spriest I find that answer slightly biased. Delves on spriest were absolutely atrocious to do, and on other specs with -20 ilvls it felt easier and faster. I haven’t bothered with Zekvir on spriest and I don’t think I ever will. That fight has a toxic design for ranged.