Zekvir ? ? Overtuned Sadism

Or it means you’re not properly staggering your potions Brann tosses on the ground

Then I can only see something on your end is wrong considering how my experience was different. I didn’t even have to pop Avatar or Bladestorm just to kill the egg.

What makes it even more funny, is the only time I popped Avatar and BS was just remove the Spittle since Colossus doesn’t have snare removal talents so those were used mainly as defensive options over offensive moments.

I don’t think you all understand what 3-shot means. Maybe try a Shadow Priest or something and see how fun tanking Zekvir is. Windwalker is certainly a problem. Feral might have problems too.

I said it’s RNG. I’m not saying it’s outright impossible. It can happen.

Shadow Priest has like the world record for lowest ilvl zek’vir kill I think,

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He has an autoattack time. Those potions heal for an extraordinary amount. If you eat 3 autos in a row without the hot or potions available, something has gone extraordinarily wrong

A SP already killed it in the mid range of 500 ilvl. You’re also ignoring that I’ve done it on a Fire Mage pre-buff as which is a clothie.

It’s not, but it is fun. I like the iterative process of pull, wipe, analyze, adjust. Difficult content in WoW is fun to me. Solo content especially since I don’t have to wrangle any schedules except my own.

WoW is still a casual game with plenty of casual content. One optional fight for people who want something more involved doesn’t change that.

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Was a bit less than that :stuck_out_tongue:

Idk how you can be struggling at this in WW, what ilvl are you?

I agree that staggering the health potions just before you get the melee hits was a big game changer for me.

However, I think some of the RNG is sometimes Brann is “dead” or doesn’t toss the potions if he glitches or worse throws them as you are moving across the room so now getting back to them is a challenge. That was a little frustrating as I worked on it.

Its bcs its not as easy as you trying to make it look like.

Well there’s a difference between dying to avoidable damage and consistently dying to melee swings. If you’ve never encountered one shot or dodge mechanics before it can be hard to adjust to that. It can also be hard to understand things like your positioning mattering, baiting, and assigning cooldowns but those aren’t the things he’s talking about.

I’m struggling to wrap my head around dying to white hits unless he’s like 600 or lower ilvl.

Zekvir AA’s you three times in the span of a single animation. One of them crits for 3.4 million damage. The other two are for 1.7 million. It’s not very often but this, coupled with RNG- maybe Bran refused to cleanse spittle despite having the opportunity to, maybe he’s refusing to throw potions- will flat out kill you.

Zekvir deals less damage to clothies. Ranged classes tend to have an easier time with Zekvir in general because- as long as they manage range- they’re rarely eating more than one or two AA’s between abilities and their DPS doesn’t drop off a cliff in phase two because they’re less concerned about being in melee range during endless spikes.

Honestly, after I swapped to the Amorphous Curio I never swapped off. That 20% speed boost made a surprisingly high amount of difference. Sure it was a sacrifice of damage, but on my winning attempt that 20% got me out of a few spots that would have otherwise been a wipe.

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I know that, the person I replied to is claiming that it’s hard for clothies to tank.

You also left out the part where I said I did it as one in that following response as well.

It is that easy though. Its a mechanic check and it’s supposed to be a challenge. But its completely doable, as proven by you potatoing 110/160 attempts.

50 actual attempts and you got it. Quite a few mage towers took much more than that.

It literally boils down to don’t stand in cone. Don’t stand in fear. Dps egg before spider hatches or cc it’s cast if it hatches. Interrupt heal. And do that for 8 to 10 minutes.

Tbh I have no idea how this thread is still going.


I found this thread to have some very helpful tips early on that I was able to utilize.

It’s been helpful for people struggling to hear how other people viewed the fight and maybe get some encouragement. Also a tiny bit of venting can be helpful too! :wink:

I think the most significant thing for me is when this fight was compared to Torghast. I hated that place and was never going back. It was awful. I was awful. Nothing seemed to work. It was after a thread like this, where someone explained that you don’t approach this like most content. Yes, mechanics matter in raids and dungeons but you are still trying to find an optimal balance and follow your normal rotation. Once I realized you weren’t using the Torghast powers just as buffs, I made a completely new set up and just blew it up. I didn’t understand how different it was.

This fight required me to NOT do my normal rotation. In fact, some of my good habits, like using disengage to get out of bad things was a hindrance because I had to save it for any Spittle that wasn’t dispelled. I saved 3/4 of my abilities for the eggs only. I stayed much closer to the boss than normal and used the healing pots only near the melee attacks.

Sometimes threads like this help people work things out and it helps to know you aren’t the only that struggled.

It was very hard for me but I got it done.


50+ attempts with 1 confirmed kill on ?? And I hard agree.

This is probably the best skill check I’ve ever had the privilege to be part of.


You have a typo there,
not s kill check, RNG check

I’m currently attempting Zekvir ?? on this ret pally with ilvl 607. Yesterday, I got close to killing him. Got him to around 12% after missing an interrupt which made him heal up 25%. Frustrating but certainly doable if you do all the mechanics right even at my low ilvl.

The fight is just avoiding all his mechanics and killing the spawn while slowing chipping away at this health.

Standing in multiple autos without doing anything isn’t RNG, it’s a mistake.