Zekvir ? ? Overtuned Sadism

Classic is just a completely different game than retail. None of the content is difficult. Rotations are never more than 2 buttons. Most bosses have one or MAYBE two very basic mechanics. The only thing thats hard about Classic is that it demands an unreasonable amount of time for grinding

It was most popular, just saying.

Not sure what point you think you’re making lol

It was new. Nor was Vanilla the most popular rendition of WoW


This was my original post in another topic and I still stand by it.
So I agree overall.

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Yupe <3.

Tanks having the dame DPS check as DPS is a bit absurd. The damage taken isnt much of an issue simply due to the disparity in health pools.

Should be rendered down to healer health pools since healer brann adds next to no DPS, and for healers, Brann DPS is limited and you can add what you can.

A one size fits all encounter doesnt really cut it. I get why they did it. All delves are a one size fits all as well (which is my biggest gripe).

Again, not making the point you think you are

It’s more that it did both, it’s a bit insulting that you think of scaling it some way but not the others.

I pretty much refused to play dps dk this patch, I did bg blitz as blood and all content I could as blood I didn’t want to switch dps. (And I didn’t so I ended up doing a completely different fight than dps players get to do)

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Yeah. As a tank we didnt even have to use defensives. It was simply use potions. Outside of that brann barely used any healing effects.

It was just a longer DPS fight, but in tanking spec. The healing requirements were so low i went into the normal mode as a tank with Brann as DPS

I mean the way it is right now it feels like the dps check was tuned for tanks and dps get to ignore it moreso than the reverse.

I simply couldn’t manage to break webs with the tank tuning, I simply killed all spiders by ccing their casts. I don’t think it was designed that way.

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Since the nerfs, absolutely. But this also goes back to what he was saying about it not being fine tuned, which really does suck for those wanting actual challenge mode for all roles

I didn’t beat it until I overgeared it. Not having a reliable dispel for spittle was absolute torture, and not something I was willing to bang my head against until I had enough HP to reliably live through the DoT without blowing every defensive.

If(when) they do another one of these in the future, I hope that they keep class toolkits in mind a bit better, or have Brann be more reliable with his CDs. Bonus points if he gains an ability to cast a target heal instead of throwing potion bottles at where I was 5 seconds ago.

Missed seeing a coccoon go out on the Ret kill and this is what I did. Stunned it and finished it off in that amount of time

I simply found it more reliable as a blood dk to do it that way, I could try to break some of them by saving deathbringer scythes but it simply wasn’t reliable moreover when they heal a bit after it simply felt way penalizing. So I just used deathgrip every time, stunned, blinded them or used another death grip charge and kept doing the fight without caring about that mechanic.

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Theres a hero talent that lets Reaper be a 30s CD :wink:

I meant even by saving the scythes it didn’t always fully kill it I had to also crit during it. I didn’t always have the time depending of cones or timing. The position of the web also could make it way harder. Blood dks aren’t known for their huge burst, we’re an execute tank class … xd

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Yeah i get it. I struggled as Bear too when doing EC and got it with DoTC and having Ravages go out on the coccoon

yes, I do this hobby to relax. I don’t spend hundreds of hours struggling at my hobbies. I have never yelled at other people for not hobby-ing at my level. Why attack others for not being as much of a hobbyist. You can be good enough at a hobby, and not need to struggle for 25 hours to beat one boss in a hobby. Do you not see how struggling for hours and hobby don’t fit well together?


If you like those things in a video game, you would… play those video games instead and not be remotely near wow?

Seems silly to demand (or want stuff) to change so much just because you disagree with how something operated for two decades by now?

The games I enjoy have various elements that make it challenging.

I also played Warcraft 2 / Starcraft by typing in cheat codes instead of actually playing. Namely because of how someone introduced the game to me.