Zekvir ? ? Overtuned Sadism

I’d wager an intentional rate of sub 5%, wouldn’t surprise me.

And it’s definitely nowhere near 50%.

And 50% wouldn’t be low in the slightest.

that is sad :frowning:

Not really, depends on who you include. If you include everyone that ever looked at a delve, it’s much lower.

If you include only people that glanced at zek’vir ?? it’s much higher.

Probably 30% from there? idk.

How many people try Zek’vir ?? and cannot do it. I mean, you succeeded, somehow.

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Well the cone itself is the only thing I feel is hard to bait, only because you dont know when he will randomly cast it on brann, it isn’t consistent, AND he doesnt immediately turn like most boss frontals do, he literally does the equivalent of a keyboard turn when he slams if it isn’t on you.

This is also why I save a hover, either from DB, or just saving one of the two charges and only using hover when I need to Dis or LF on the move, and I try to remember not to pre-emptively move for the slam just in case he targets brann instead of me because if I happen to go between him and brann when he decides he wants to slam him instead of me, even with hover I put myself in a spot to get insta-gibbed because I assumed he was slamming me instead.

The only thing I wish would change on this fight other than brann AI just being better is either:
Make spittle be dispellable by anything so every class with a dispell can use it so my CF/expunge isnt useless
Make the ai target swap more consistent so its easier to tell when zekvir is gonna target brann or me with the frontal. Everything else is fine and I’m glad we actually have challenging solo content for once.

The fight itself is so scripted though, that Bigwigs/DBM has the relative timers for it.

Its always spittle then carapace, then frontal, then egg, then hook, then frontal(if I remember correctly.

p2 its always those same abilities, just faster, and portals before the hook, and the aoe rock circles before that.

There is variance in this sequence, but not nearly enough that warrants the rng people are stating it is. Most wipes to this boss are player error, not boss design.

The difference is this is tuned much tighter than the delves, which was the entire point of this fight and the reason there are 3 separate achievements for it, one for doing the ?. one for doing ?? in a group, and yet another for doing it solo.

World content people wanted a mage tower like scenario to rival raiding and m+
Yall got it. Now some of the more vocal of yall are complaining its not faceroll and calling everyone that is pointing that fact out a toxic troll. It’s wild.

I wonder how much easier the next delve boss is because of the casual response to Zekvir ?? that is deliberately tuned for people who do heroic and mythic…which again is exactly what yall asked for.


I am so glad we’re having this RNG discussion. A pet peeve of mine is how much people ascribe to RNG, not just in WoW but in games of all genres.

RNG certainly plays a role in games like WoW. But the player is almost always able to weight the dice so to speak. If you “die to RNG” it’s usually because you made decisions earlier that put you into a situation where you were relying on RNG to bail you out.

The difference between good players and great players is how much they minimize variance. If your game is rolling a d20, a good player might engineer a situation where they win on a 15-20. The great player creates a situation where they win on a 5+. Sure you could roll a 20 or a 1 and the outcome is the same either way, but the great player wins much more often.

Anytime you “lose to RNG,” don’t throw your hands up and say there was nothing you could do. Analyze the circumstances that made you reliant on good RNG and see what you can do to make sure you’re successful no matter what the dice roll. Sometimes the answer will literally be that you got unlucky, but that should never be the first thing you reach for.


Fight’s intense. The worse part is all the stuff you can’t control. Like Bran not doing his job at all. Or those dang orbs he summons in phase 2.

I’ll probably down it later in the week. Overall I’d rate Delves a 6/10 as far as challenge goes. I find it more tedious than anything else. Getting killed from bad RNG is not fun.

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I played Zek’vir ? slowed pretty much the entire time. Interrupting didn’t consistently get rid of it. Was unaware that I had any abilities to remove it.

Also got hit by abilities several times and managed to live.

You dont. Unless the buff just doesnt show up on decursive despite the sound going off, both expunge and Cauterizing Flame dont dispell it. Either brann interrupts/dispells it, or you just deal with it. DB will remove it, but you won’t have DB for every spittle, ESPECIALLY on ??, even if you exclusively save DB for it and are talented for it to be 1 minute.

The damage is just irrelevant on ? difficulty.

Someone better tell that to Mythic raiding.

Or, oh wait, not everything needs to be done by everybody. It’s challenge mode of a fight that is purely cosmetic.

Add&Cone: I noticed he would spawn the add, and almost immediately frontal cone. So when he popped the add up, I would vanish so Brann would get coned.

Spittle/AoE Fear/Heal: I used Killing Spree to get rid of Spittle in case Brann didn’t dispel it, or I would cloak of shadows if I needed to (I also could cloak for AoE fear if needed instead of running away). Kick was exclusively for the heal.

Angler’s Web & Portals: this took me a second to figure out that the web would go through different portals and grab you.

Balls of death: sometimes P2 AoE fear balls of death would get me due to placement of boss/positioning of my character.

I noticed he would spawn the add and then almost immediately heal in P2 so sometimes I had to wait until heal cast to then nuke the add.

Dodge swirlies. Use evasion for melee hits.

It was a maniacal mechanic dance. I remember trying it at lower item levels (615-619) but I couldn’t survive it. I know some players have, kudos to them. But at 630 ilevel I had enough toughness to manage damage, along with Brann’s pots, my vial self heal, personal potions. My Brann was lvl 42.

Reading these posts and going off my own experience, it is mostly user error. And I think the difficulty is as high as it is because it is meant to be an end-game delve. Even tier 10 is 623+ recommended and tier 11 “unsurvivable…” So it makes sense Zek’vir be that end game challenge for the delve lane.

It was frustrating but once complete a great sense of accomplishment.

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Really the only thing that gets to me with Zekvir is that there doesn’t seem to be any real pay out for it; like it’s a challenging fight that requires you to be on your toes but if you’re decently geared it isn’t that bad.

No, the bigger annoyance is that downing him just seems to get you the same rewards as what you’d get from a non-bountiful dungeon.

It’s for the mount appearance and the title, much like older challenge mode rewards (MT, Torghast Twisting Corridors)

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So this is weird statement because there are people who are trying to persuade us that fight is trivial.

I don’t think anyone has said it is trivial.

what people have said is you made it far more difficult than it needed to be by going in with poor talents and a bad ui.

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Sorry, I was not aware I was supposed to google how to play game before doing any attempts in a dungeon.

welcome to WoW, I see you’re new here. Much of the information needed to be successful is found on the internet.

in b4 “i ShoULdNt hAVe tO uSe tHIrD PaRTy SitES”

This is a video game though right.

it sure is. one of which has a rich wealth of information on the internet!

No, you don’t have to use the information - but as you discovered things might not go well if you just bumble in with whatever random talent build you have and a ui that doesn’t make things obvious enough for you.

Think of all the time you could have saved, all the frustration you could have avoided, if you had simply read a “what’s a good talent build for Zek’vir ??” guide. I’m sure there are many such guides out there.

full disclosure: I haven’t done ?? yet. but when I do get around to doing it you bet I’m gonna first figure out what talents I need and make sure I can see debuffs appropriately.

I am impressed with the amount of hate I got for simply having TMW with debuff icon on my screen.


I think people were making fun of you for making the debuff icon half the screen.

having TMW wtih the debuff icon is reasonable. making it half your screen is comical, but in the end, you did what you needed to to get through the fight, that’s all that matters.

when I do it I’ll certainly be making a WA for the debuff that makes it very obvious when I have it.