Zekvir ? ? Overtuned Sadism

You get a nifty title for t11! Worth it

This thread made me decide to try it as I didn’t know about it until this thread existed as I’ve been ignoring delves.

Went in as a 620ilvl Ret with Brann at level 27.

I was routinely getting him down to phase 2 within 6 attempts but I didn’t like that I couldn’t see when I had the poison dot, and for whatever reason I often didn’t hear the interrupt chime DBM uses. So I went and got a weak aura. This is the one I liked:


After that I had another 10 attempts or so getting him to the third egg in phase two where he is at extreme range and does the frontal cone so you need to bait. I found out if I bait my dps wasn’t enough to kill the egg so I needed to pot for it or I could just use divine protection on that particular egg.

Took about another 10 attempts where I was getting him to about 7%. Finally swapped my enchants to speed for the extra 9% speed and cleared him within 3 attempts. One of the attempts was a 1% pull…

Over all it was a pretty fun fight although some of the overlaps were a bit less than fun.


Some classes have it harder than rets.

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Oh I can definitely see that DP on that third egg makes it extremely easy and wings on the eggs gives you enough burst to always kill them. The only thing I really had problems with as Ret was speed.

I might try it again as bear although I would need to play as Druid of the Claw instead of an Elunes build as the poison is removed from switching forms. I don’t know if the bleeds would kill the eggs fast enough though.

You telling me that if you follow a fights mechanics, you can beat it? That’s clearly wrong. If I can’t beat a fight it’s because I don’t have enough gear.


Nobody said that,
fight is overtuned.

Skill issue. Just do the mechanics and you win.

Another troll.

We went over this when you first posted the thread.

It’s not. You made bad decisions for 75% of your attempts.

You corrected them and got 25% solid pulls and killed it.


Wasn’t expecting that first topic to get deleted but I guess it must’ve been because of the insults. :joy:

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Fight isnt overtuned at all.

Holding wake and ES for every single egg spawn helps enormously with having the damage even if your uptime is disrupted.

Meh. ?? is more RNG then anything. Skill wise if you can do ? you can do ??. The main thing is repeating it enough time to get RNGesus to line up on egg placement and when/where Zek drops his AOE’s. If you get bad egg placement or he drops an AoE on you while dps’ing the egg, try again.

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So was it worth it ? :laughing:

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I’m confused as to how it’s overtuned sadism when you had a bad ui and bad talents. you fixed those things and then completed the challenge.

sounds like the true sadism was all your own doing.

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Surviving your own mistakes is rng. The more mistakes you make the more rng you need. You can play cleaner / plan for the overlaps and avoid needing the rng to fall your way.


The problem is that in 2024/2025 there are more players who want to have “fun” and a chill gaming experience, not a stressful and time-consuming challenge. That’s the fallacy of Blizzard’s design agenda, catering to the top 5% at the expense of the other 95%.

eSports is dead. Streaming is dying. There are far too many options and games for people to choose from and Blizzard keeps doubling down on outdated philosophies and systems that might have worked in 2014… but are not retaining players anymore.

In other words, they really need to make the game easier, or they will continue to see their player base not only decrease, but check out for longer periods of time. There can always be higher difficulties for the decreasing few that enjoy that, but the baseline gameplay really needs an adjustment to be less competitive and more fun.

In 2025, people don’t want to spend hours wiping in a video game. It’s NOT FUN.

There are so many more productive and entertaining things to do that respect someone’s time more. Blizzard has yet to fully grasp that concept.


This is a single optional fight difficulty that isn’t even that hard though. Getting heroic ilvl also has only gotten easier and easier throughout the game’s lifetime.

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so don’t do a piece of content that is completely optional.
this is on the player who dislikes it, not on the game.


I’m talking big picture here, of which Zek’vir is only one aspect of a greater issue plaguing the game.