Zekvir (normal) & purple glowy kitty for Grandma, lol

I just finished up my 10 BGs last week. Something new they added in TWW is rated battleground blitz. It’s a solo queue that counts as a rates Battleground.

I’m also awful at PvP, but I found that if I just spam queued that then eventually sheer dumb luck would get me my 10 wins.


Not sure if you have weakauras, but the biggest thing that allowed me to down him was a weakaura that made his Spittle debuff have a HUGE icon on my screen that was impossible to miss, so that I could clear it immediately before any ticks, or before his next must-dodge ability fired.

As a druid, you’ll have the benefit of being able to shapeshift out and back again quickly to clear the spit. That leaves his heal as the only cast you need to worry about interrupting.


For DBM, I suggest putting a countdown for Claw Smash, so you that you prepare yourself for it. It will almost never come when the timer is finished, but when you know it’s coming you’ll be ready.

Did wonders for me for ??, and it’s really your biggest problem for ?, so taking that off your mental stack can allow you to focus.


I’ll try to find ya when home and I’ll post here if I have any issue
Cheers :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh, that is sweet. I am so glad you got your 10.
I was afraid to try any rated ones :slight_smile:

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Doing Zekky on easy mode is doable with any of your listed specs. The main thing is prioritizing the egg. When the egg hatches the add will go to stun you which often means you’re going to get smashed (plus the stun itself also does a lot of damage).

Ret paladin is by far the easiest and best choice. You can freedom the spit and have short burst CDs for eggs as well as a full immunity and even a full heal for if things somehow go wrong.

For easy mode Zekky, I would run Brann as DPS and with his 2 target arrow relic since that also does a ton of damage to either Zekky and/or the egg.

I’m not on to check, but I don’t know if you can get your achivement in groups so you may need to accept soloing. It still is very easy once you understand the flow of mechanics and stick to a winning plan that always involves having Zekky in the middle of the room and being aware of what mechanics are likely coming up. Namely if he hasn’t smashed and an egg is spawning, you need to turn Zekky to the side (face opposite of Brann too if you can) so the smash isn’t on the egg so that when the smash comes, you can dash to the egg.

Save all DPS cooldowns (trinkets included) for the egg or until you are positive you can finish Zekky off before the next egg.

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You said about 3 to 4 hours? Sounds good. I will stay on Syvia :slight_smile:

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Losing a rated battleground blitz only hurts your PvP rating, which if you don’t care about that and only care about the purple kitty that’s not much of a punishment. Even then your rating will only go down after you reach a certain point, which you’re unlikely to do before hitting 10 wins. All this to say there is absolutely zero negative consequence for you if you lose a match.

The system generally pairs you with other players of the same skill level (read as: little to none). So it won’t be too intense. I still lost more games than I won, so be patient. Eventually the random queue will give you a team that just skunks the other one.

… and maybe be ready to see some colorful chats. Some people get heated during PvP.


Thanks! Zekvir was annialating me with smash & fear every time I was attacking an egg, then a second egg would hatch, and well…dirt nap!

I don’t think Zekky’s autos are too bad on easy mode but I haven’t done it in a while now (used to be good for getting your 8 delves since once you understand and are good at it the fight is only a few minutes per and counted as a t8 delve) so the idea is if the egg is at a wall or on the platform to run just close enough with your back to Zekky to DPS the egg and leaving enough room to run to the wall for the fear AOE.

On easymode the egg really shouldn’t need all that much time and once cleared you can pivot back to the middle to set yourself up for the next round of mechanics. Zekky is an attrition and marathon fight. Always be setting yourself up for success by not letting the fight get out of hand like having Zekky at the wall since that just means smashes become significantly harder to dodge or going for a greedy burn at the cost of an egg hatching unless you know for a fact he’s dead.

Even for hardmode Zekky, I think my own fight was like 9ish minutes. He doesn’t enrage or even a soft enrage so as long as you keep the eggs cleared, his heal interrupted, and clear your spittle (trivial on some specs like a pally or druid) and keep a clear head so as to not get overwhelmed with mechanics he’ll eventually fall over.

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I worked as an electrician (Critical Yacht Systems Tech) for years, and I got used to the very spiciest language. Just had to be careful not to repeat it around the kids, lol.

And my rating is of no consequence as I can’t raise it. Purple Kitty is a very long hoped for dream!


Requiring RBG wins for the mage tower tint was a really bad idea given that it was a dead game mode even back then.

I believe you can do the new tanked battleground blitz and get the purple cat tint.

I know you said pvp is hard for you because of your age but since it’s a queued ranked system, just keep queueing it up over and over til you get lucky and get your ten wins. (Every loss means your MMR is lower and then winning will become easier)


I believe feeling overwhelmed & panicked helped me fail Zekvir each time, that & not being able to see the warnings in time. Thank you ; I probably need to calm down a little.

I remember wanting the Emerald Drake SO bad but I had to solo the dreaded “Spine”. I would shake and squeeze the mouse so bad! I did get that eventually, lol.

I totally panic during that fight and nearly all my wipes were due to me missing something or not moving out of the way.
You just need to get a feel for the dance. There is a definite flow to it and then you can start to anticipate what happens next.

It took me forever. You got this.

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The PVP is hard mostly because I cannot see much & so I react very slowly to what others do so fast! I am going to go try some solo RBGs & see how that goes.

Thank you all so very much for being kind & so very helpful :slight_smile:

If I get either of these things done, I will for sure come back to the post and re-thank you all!


I might have some time before I pick up kid at 5 actually
I’ll be home in 20 mins!
Got off early today


For ? Zekvir, I would probably do it on bear. Download an addon like dbm, and it can give you auditory cues for the only time sensitive stuff(interrupts).

For RGB, your best bet is probably moonkin. Starfall + random tab target while with the group is going to at least be useful for the group.

The biggest problem you might have is that pvp largely expects that you have PvP gear. Which is definitely obtainable without a LOT of pvp (do world quests in war mode, which will give you bloody coins to use on gear that becomes 636 in pvp content. 2 or 3 weeks of doing world quests should be enough for a full set.

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I did try to do the WQs in warmode, but I barely started & got killed every time.

I think true PVPers can see me coming 10 miles away.

I will try it again though, maybe this time…

I ran Zek ? again the other day on my WW monk here, with Brann as healer. I got that sucker within a couple slivers of dying and then he took me out. That is the closest I’ve gotten and I just had to stand up and walk away for a bit.
I’ll maybe give it another go this week, but I’m getting tired of trying, lol.

Good luck OP! :slight_smile:


Thank you! I really hope you get past that last sliver and beat Zekvir!

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