Zekvir (normal) & purple glowy kitty for Grandma, lol

Firstly, this is not a troll post or a request for a carry.

I am almost 70 years old with severe vision problems.I have been
enjoying WoW since mid BC, but (due to the vision problems) playing mostly
solo. Collecting achievements, mounts, pets, etc. I have a very good time
in the game.

There are 2 things I would like to ask better players, or weak players like

  1. I beat the druid mage tower back in Legion. Glowy kitty form took me arount
    300 tries +/-. Kruul for wearbear took around 600, but I got it. Literally
    cried a bit with happy once the forms were mine, lol. I got all but the PVP tint.

I have always wanted the purple version of the kitty form, but with vision so bad,
my reactions in PVP (and current raids etc) are so bad, when I react to something, that
something is done, a new thing happened & I am taking yet another dirt nap :slight_smile: Has
anyone else so bad found a way to win 10 RBGs? Has to be the druid I got the forms on
in the first place (Syvia). Any advice to keep trying without ruining a RBG for others on any
team I am in?

  1. I have completed all of the delves achievements except “Nemesis”. I am NOT trying
    to kill Zekvir on ??. I just badly want to complete the ?(normal) version for the
    achieve. I have leveled Druid, Warlock, & Priest. Working on Pally, DK, BM Hunter, & Warrior.
    I have watched the guide videos, read the guides & the forums. I am just not able to
    sort out all the confusion and react to the threats or kill the eggs in time…more
    dirt naps, lol. As I play solo, I do not have/cannot get the Mythic gear & trinkets,
    just the rewards from level 8 delves, so my ilvl is around 610 +/=.

Again, looking for advice on what class & spec has the least buttons to handle as I
get lost trying to see warnings while trying to find the right spell to use. I am most
comfy with Guardian Druid, but that lacks dps to kil the eggs without the dps trinket.
My Brann is about level 45, I use him as heals with porcelain & amorphous relics. I tried
with him as dps, but he dirt naps as much as I do as dps, hehe.

I do pretty good on my own where I can take my time & set up my battles in delves etc.
In groups, things go too fast & I would just be a liability. I do not want to do that!
PVP for purple kitty & Zekvir are both SO very fast & furious. Solid advice please
(and don’t tell me to get good, because some physical issues are non-negotiable). If
better players tell me to just accept that these are 2 things not possible in my situation,
I understand & simply appreciate the kindness & input. If there may be something I have not
thought of that may make success possible, I will appreciate that more than I could say.

Thank you,
Grandma Syvia :slight_smile:


shadow priest is a great choice for this encounter. You could also go with Ret paladin that your working on, they are also very strong for this.


Shadow Priest or Ret Pally.


Shadow priest has by far the easiest time on this fight. You are a ranged spec so overlaps don’t matter, you have a tool for every single mechanic he can do + multiple backups, and you have a fool proof sequence of spells (Most of which instant) that will kill every single egg when they spawn, you just have to press them in order. You do not need much gear at all to beat the dps check on the eggs, if any really.

You could do ?? on it too, the fight basically feels the same just longer.

Though for “?” mode a 610 guardian druid equally shouldn’t struggle at all if that’s what you’re most comfortable on.


I would love to do Zekvir with you
Or help you in PvP! You tag em and I’ll bag em


Thank you all so very much for the ideas! I think I will try the priest for Zekvir. I can do all things & survive as holy, but weaker surviving on Shadow. I also have my Ret Pally ready, he does lots of dps, but survives only well as Prot, lol.

If help in PVP is “legal” I would LOVE that. You may just not understand that I am pretty bad, lol.


Man thats a Vet if ever seen one


One thing I did do was download the voice pack for DBM. Maybe if I hear the warnings about Zekvir because I never see them in time ?

I will have to play shadow instead of holy on the priest for awhile to get used to the rotation also.


I don’t mind giving you some pointers throughout the Zek fight and hang back or just kill eggs so you can focus boss and mechanics.
I can solo ?? Every attempt now on DH and have also beaten on ret (much harder for me but I main DH)

With PvP no problem
Can knock that out in no time with you just tagging moonfire and spamming defensives as bear


And if you are serious about the help, I would love it.


I’m currently at work, but happy to help after I pick up my kid
In about 3-4 hours if you’ll be on


Hello dear,

Ret Pally, BM Hunter, Shadow Priest all relatively easy.

As Ret you can Freedom Spittle, kick the heal, and save DPS CD’s so you can go ham on the eggs!

These should help with targeting eggs.

/targetexact Egg Cocoon
/targetexact [noexists] Zekvir

Good luck!


I will be here. This feels like Christmas, lol.

Would you need my Battletag?

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Hii, just wanted to let u know since I killed zekvir on my priest. If you can’t kill the first egg spawn and he summons another. You can dominate mind the first and kill the second! ( and you can also power infusion the dominated mob!)


Thank you so much for the macros & advice. I may try on a few classes to see if I can make any headway!


Sage advice!
I also set Zekvir as “focus” target so I can keep an eye on his casts while targeting eggs


Thank you. I have played Guardian for so long and it is so comfy that I will need to practice on Shadow & make those spells second nature as well :slight_smile:


Your welcome! :hugs: Wish you the best of luck! :smiling_face:


I should be able to add you with just your name and server, but if that doesn’t work we can try that
I wouldn’t post it here though
Many dodgy folks haha


That is why I did not do it immediately, lol.

Syvia is the only character that can get the glowy kitty. I will be on her this afternoon.

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