Actually no, you can’t.
I had plenty of wipes, where Brann takes 2 extra globals to dispel, because he is running away, or he is attacking, or any other thing, and those 2 globals are enough to die to it.
Some specs need his dispel, in order to not run out of interrupts for Zek’s heals.
There are other times where Brann will eat a cone and be fine, and another where Brann will eat a cone and get one-shot. And him dead pretty much changes your entire rotation of survival until he pop’s again.
There are times where no matter how much you control and pull Zek to where you want him, he will put the add up the platform by the stairs, and inevitably make it VERY unpleasant to deal with.
I can go on and on. The fight has purposeful randomness attached to it. That is intended. So to say you can control 100% of the outcomes, is a verifiable lie.
Uhhh I bladestormed or avatar’d the dot as Arms and just killed it
As mentioned, Ret Pally is good since they have a lot of survival tools, self dispels and a good mix of melee and ranged attacks.
Hunter is also a solid choice, any of the specs really. You can Disengage the snare and you have Turtle in case you are in a bad spot. If you play MM or BM don’t stay too far away, or else it will be a lot harder to dodge the Claw AoE.
For Hunter the first stage of the fight is oddly harder than the first, since you can’t do anything about his autoattack and he moves way too fast to put distance between you two. By phase 2 he’ll be spamming abilities so much that the autoattack isn’t a factor anymore.
I gnome racialed quite a few
Can absolutely control the outcome of the fight
Yup, us Warriors are lucky. You can Bladestorm, Avatar, Charge x2 and even use Bitter Immunity to clear it off.
Okay we get it not everybody wants to pay real money for an overpowered racial
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I’m adorable
The racial is just a bonus, a very helpful bonus for a very immobile class
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BI works? Spittle is considered a Magic debuff and BI only clears Poison, Disease, and Curses.
I had Stoneform on my side, wonderful time to be a dwarf.
No way I was gonna ditch Colossus, I’m not about that Slayer life… Gross.
Only every other one at worst. For the most part, every spec can deal with the slow on their own.
Phase 1 vs phase 2, and in phase 2 things get spread out enough you dont need Brann up 100% of the time.
Not a condition of failure
And none of those are fail conditions
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I can see what he’s saying though, maybe it isn’t guaranteed failure but you have to admit when you are on the egg and he is max distance away when he casts his cone it is very difficult to dodge
Yes, this is what I mean.
But you know GD. Everyone is always a “perfect” player that kills everything in one single attempt and anyone trying to point out that maaaaybe sometimes, things might not be your own fault is obviously an absolute moron who doesn’t know how to play.
lol if gaslighting was a sport, GD would be filled with gold medalists.
I took it down after 85 attempts on my main. Personally, I was proud of that, so I couldn’t care less what people deny about the encounter.
You can control this too though, very easily
If you want to try harder try with a 600 ilevel havoc dh
It’s like your dodging semi’s head on with the lights blaring in your face and you have .5 seconds to respond.
Whats the easiest delve to unlocked it. Also solo the delve or group?
I personally think Fungal Folly level 10 would probably be among the easiest. Just try not to get the bonus elites on your save point that was annoying.
I don’t know if any Delve can really boil down to what is the ‘easiest’, it really boils down to what the story is that day. Some are real short and/or easy, some will put a spider miniboss right where you land from a bounce pad or camp a respawn point and just farm you until you’re out of lives.
If there’s a layout you’re familiar with, stick with that. Waterworks in general is my go-to: All the stories are straightforward, and some are downright fast to burn through.
It is harder yes, but ultimately it’s something you can do something about (Swapping after the frontal, dragging the boss over then swapping so the frontal comes when the boss is close). You won’t play perfectly, nobody does, but the idea that things are “Just beyond your control” is detrimental to someone’s ability to learn and improve.
Diabolist Destro was pretty easy. You can circle every slow, Havoc + Shadowburn makes killing adds trivial and it’s got solid defensives and self-healing.
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Yes, you can wait for the frontal and then move to the add but if you’re close on dps losing 5 seconds waiting can hurt.
I’m not disagreeing with people saying it’s very much in your control, but saying there isn’t a lot of RNG to the fight is disingenuous as a couple of people are implying.
To put it simply I’m betting even for people who have completed it is you have them attempt it 100 more times they’ll get 80, 90 even 95 kills but not 100%