Zekvir impossible now?

So I finally completed a 10 delve today, which, solo was incredibly ruff, and attempts the Zekvir fight. As DH in tank spec he was meleeing me for 1.3mil and his roar was hiting for between 3 to 5 mil. I’m not sure this is possible after the buffs.


Is this the ?? one?

yeah, it is

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It’s very difficult may need more gear.

Unless gear makes his auto attacks suddenly do less, it’s impossible atm except with spell reflect cheese.

I’ve gone up 15 ilvls since i last tried, he still 2 shots you

Garbage fight tbh, the mechanics killing you is fair, but auto attack damage is fake difficulty


just need ilvl 705 gear for this fight. have to wait a bit

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Not impossible. It’s been done at 610~ ish by ret paladins and warriors. It seems possible at 620 ish for hunters, priests, evokers, monks at least.

As a 617 Shadow Priest I’ve so far gotten him to 39%

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Its possible but the fight was designed for 620+ ilvl, not week 1 600 ilvls. People wanting to beat the meta boss week 1…

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Auto attacks are the only thing that should hit you all fight. Everything else is avoidable.

You are correct, this is a goal. Something to stive toward. To push you to both get better and to keep doing content for better gear. Then you can beat this encounter. Season 1 just started. Give yourself a few weeks to gear. Then come here once your at recommended item level and say how over tunes he is. Yes I am a ret paladin. I don’t bother doing more than +8 delves. The loot caps there and I do not need a purple Dirigible.


I’ve yet to see anyone other than Critcakes do it as Arms utilizing Spell Reflect and Shadowmeld Cocoon despawn since Branns nerf.

On my evoker I’m having issues with the adds. Best pull was 65%

Yes it was the ??

I 2 shot the ?

guys chill you arent supposed to do it undergeard, its totally fine and balanced when u get the right ilvl

just wait a few years until u get ilvl 9000


I just need about 10 ilevel and 2 set atleast on the voker


I can’t do him either attacks too strong but i will try again at 620+

Just did it myself on SP.


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I watched a guy live streaming beat Zek on ?? difficulty with a 586 geared Mage. Just sayin’.

The fight was changed heavily since that point. Brann used to be able to effectively solo the encounter, you just had to kinda sit back and dodge mechanics.

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This was after the changes. Two days ago.

Got a link?