Zekvir impossible now?

598 Guardian Druid, best pull was 22%

Currently, DPS is still a tad low to solo the cocoon myself. Once I’m able to do that, it’s in the bag since it’s simple a game of attrition at that point

Is that the easy mode or the hard mode?

Guess the ez mode :stuck_out_tongue:

100% the ez mode. I have to save most of my cd’s to burst a cocoon down before hatch as a 609 frost DK on ?? mode.

It was much easier when Brann was broken, people were doing it at 594. Given that 10s are for 623+ and 11s /?? are an “unfathomable challenge” I’d imagine this will feel better in 20 more ilvls. Honestly the biggest issue for me has been being able to burst down the webs outside of CDs, which I think will be doable with just gear and not necessarily a nerf

I’ll see if I can find it. I was perusing random live streams and don’t even recall his username. He was Arcane and it took a number of tries before he succeeded. He showed his gear and talents.

And you’re absolutely certain it was both hard mode zekvir and post brann changes?

Thankyou for checking back in with this, I look forward to seeing it.

What is your item level at at the time of trying? It says 623 or something I think so not sure why everyone expects to have downed it just what 3 weeks into the expansion 2 weeks into the season?

It was. I’ll try to find it, I was doing a lot of stream hopping that day.

Killed the ? version after 3 pulls. ?? was a bit harder and haven’t downed it yet. Need to get the timing down and probably a bit more item level. It’ s def. challenging, but it should be.

I’m struggling with ? Level, granted I’m not Ilvl 600 yet.

I can’t seem to kill the egg sacks fast enough and miss interrupts.

I’ll get there though. Idk about ?? Level but I got at least the first season.

Yeah dude 10 more ilvls will suddenly give dps the armor to not get 2-3 shot by his 2.5m autos
Damage is not the issue even a little. it’s his massively overtuned auto attacks, which is garbage design

Im at just shy of 5 mil health to 606 il. Yes that item level difference will add a big chunk of stamina.

So far I can see kills for WW Monks, SV Hunters, Shadow Priests, Fury Warriors, Arms Warriors, and proof of concept for Ret Paladin but no confirmed kills.

Ilvls ranging from 611-616

He’s definitely doable on ?? as destro using teleport as a pseudo interrupt for his DoT and just keeping Brann’s heals up, I go GoSac due to felhunter dying from soul link can pretty much wipe you; right now at 610 I can bank diabloist procs for right before the eggs spawn and unload them on it, however it’s still a bit finicky without tier and not worth bashing my head against imo. Will most likely go and kill him after getting 4pc and closer to 620.

His T2 fight isn’t intended to be beaten just because you’ve unlocked it … clearly you’re undergeared if you can’t survive his autos, it may hurt your ego but it’s the truth.