Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - September 26

You’re looking at 12 delves, plus Zekvir, and each delve has 3 variants.

Balancing 36 different scenarios for 39 different specs is not something I foresee or even expect from blizzard

Ran it a couple more times and skill is definetely involved but… the amount of rng in this fight is just way to much. Having to rely on brann for anything is just not possible. You need to be able to self sustain and just be glad he helps from time to time because relying on him to be consistent is just not possible in its current form. GRRR this fight is worst than melania… yeah i said it LOL


I know, hence

Some things are harder than others, but the interrupt part is definitely a big one. Silence/or classes that completely lack interrupts, how some can’t really do much dmg while constantly moving while others can. Some that can attack during immunities, etc.

So, can I ask how this was determined? Because this seems very much incorrect for Demonology Warlocks. Felguard has a 30 second interrupt cooldown, and we get one “bonus” interrupt through Grimoire: Felguard (which must be chosen as a talent) which has a 2 minute cooldown.

There have been multiple times in my recent attempts where both of my interrupts were on cooldown and Zek’vir was just freecasting his heal and his spittle while I had no options to deal with either one.

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Not enough changes. Tank specs arnt the same as dps. Nor are the cast timers matching animations. Also instantly casting slams on the egg sacs so you cant even dps them before hatching. Too much RNG. No point in having interuptable casts other than the heal if you HAVE to use your kick on the heal every time. Good attempt but still a swing and a miss on tuning. Look forward to more changes.

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Damn, that’s a heavy nerf. Just went for an attempt and killed him first try.

Is this live yet?
BM Hunter ilvl 612, Bran lvl 50(healer) my pet continues just to get 1 shot over and over.
Zekvir ?? 182M Health

I have to agree that things are still feeling overtuned for tanks, specifically. The blows are pretty insane, if he has a stretch of a few seconds without casting something. I’m able to just barely get the egg cocoon, even with a more single target focused talent spec.

The fight is scaled to pummel tanks harder than any other spec, which negates the one advantage of being a tank, and then the cocoons require near the same dps as a regular dps spec.

I did finally see Phase 2, so it’s not utterly impossible. But as a tank, it feels heavily reliant on good RNG atm, to get far into the fight.

Pets take increased damage, let him hit you. Brann as healer should keep you up.

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This makes no sense as a pet class…

Edit: Taunt turned off, pet can still grab aggro and die as that is where my dmg is, also bran grabs aggro and dies even as healer.

I can only guess blizzard didn’t want pet classes somehow cheesing the fight.

So bran if he gets hit by one of the ground spikes it same as one shots him and he doesn’t even attempt to move.

Brann is the biggest affix on this fight and it’s pretty annoying. Got him to 35% though so I’ll keep trying.

Also bran loves to dispell himself. Why? Like he will actively dispell himself over me and this debuff if it was poison I could easily get rid of it.

Why in the living daylights is it a magic debuff.

With further play this is so poorly designed for BM hunters, I know how that sounds to other classes. Given so many soloers play BM hunter you would have thought more would have went in to the design of this encounter.

Edit: Went back to ? level, pet can hold aggro and Zekvir was easy to kill so I think ?? still needs tuning on pet dmg.

Now why don’t you get him out of other delves and get over your angst for solo players.

Hey so it’s nice to see the cool down between casts didn’t change so I’m still having to deal with the magic slow that I can’t dispell every one minute or MAYBE the off chance bran can dispell it or the heal.

Nothing like kicking the heal and then 10 seconds later having that slow cast again and bran just stand there not doing anything.

Still impossible to kill (615 Dh)

I only have 1 interrupt, there’s casts back to back. And Brann is just, well, doing whatever he feels like doing. Sometimes he’s just getting feared into another continent.

Went tank to test it, I don’t have enough damage for the egg. One of the reason is the fact that a big massive fear I have to avoid is cast right after an egg spawn, thus making me have to just not DPS for 3 seconds. And Brann? You are lucky if he pays attention to that egg.

If you miss the egg, now you have to deal with a 3rd interrupt.

This is not counting the amout of times you have to dodge the frontal while trying to DPS the egg.

Oh, and even with 615 ilevel, he’s destroying me. He hits for like 2 millions damage per melee.

How am I supposed to do this? Just reroll DK I guess.

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Just went and did it again on arms. It was needed. There are times he will have all his abilities off cd at the same time and just sit there chain casting. you can’t really go on the egg as melee until he at least claw smashes. It’s still a tight timer even after the change.

Which is why I said it should have been a spec by spec or at least role by role change. The fact people were doing it last week when the dps check was 2x harder should say enough.

https://www.wowhead.com/spell=198793/vengeful-retreat removes the spittle debuff.

Let brann heal, kick the heal, swap to eggs, retreat the spittle. Should be fine.