Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - September 26

Read up the changes. He is WAY harder and has more mechanics. A heal, dot, etc. Interrupts are a mess there. You could get the heal, then he dots you to death, and 3rd other cast too and it all goes down hill.

Again. Read you again.

I might or might not try the 2nd version.

Don’t quote me again to make me repeat myself.

2 shot the ? Pre nerf solo.

Looks like this just became face roll boys and girls

Oh ok so this means it doesn’t happen for holy/disc priest yeah?

Feel like delves would’ve been cool if they were tuned for each spec and normalized ilvl, and not allowing outside items

this specific fight? yes
Delves in general? no.


would of been fine if they left them as they where day 1 instead of making all these changes bc people where speeding threw them having FUN lol…it truly is true once FUN is detected and people are having a good time blizzard has to fix and break the FUN

Delves in general yes, not very ‘for solo players’ by having all the stuff you should be buying (Which basically everything is overpiced and needs tokens…)

I can’t believe it got changed the day I killed it on ??, good btw zekvir ?? needed changes.

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Yes. Interrupt cooldowns are pretty easy to parse. It’s either gonna be like 12-15 seconds or 24+ seconds. There’s not that much variation between classes and specs really.

Calculating and balancing around every single spec’s particular burst profile including their various cooldown rates and RNG/procs…would be a lot harder if you actually want it to be fair.

What you’re saying is that it’s difficult but they’ve already started the process of balancing around each spec individually.

So hopefully they continue. That would be pretty cool don’t you think?

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Depends on what you mean by fair.

At a certain point, it would have to be acknowledged that some talents/hero specs/etc. are super unbalanced compared to each other. So how would they determine the right number?

Would they base it on the performance of top-tier players? Would they base the burst potential on having all of the short/medium cooldown burst abilities available in the tree, thereby mandating that all players use those talents?

Good now fix the orbs spawn on the last boss in siege,

So i just did it on my ret pally and it is definitely doable but if you miss the heal… its game over… and your just spinning circles. I’m going to keep at it but that self heal is just killing it for me right now… its soooo nice to finally see light at the end of the tunnel now… I just really need to figure out the heal.

Where as previously Spittle could be cleared with movement debuff clearing effects in “??” like Death Charge this no longer appear to be the case. You are no longer slowed while the buff from Death Charge is up but the dot is still ticking where before (this morning) it cleared the dot as well.

The recast time change (for Frost DK) still forces you do choose which to interrupt as there is only a 12 sec period between spittle and regenerating meaning we have to mitigate the spittle effect and Bran is still dropping unconscious frequently in the later part of the fight making soaking that along with his melee a challenge.

Not sure if intentional but this morning his melee was hitting for about 1.5m but now is hitting for roughly 2m.


In terms of the vault people aren’t talking about him randomly spawning. They are talking about doing the extra delve he is literally the only mob in there

Spell Reflect never actually reflected the debuff back on to him. I did his ? tier the Friday after season 1 started, one-shot it, and all it did was trigger an Immune event on us. They changed it some time this week to no longer immune either, so SR can be saved for damage reduction instead.

Did it pre-nerf (literally 15-20 minutes before these changes hit) and the Slayer charge talent to remove snares absolutely works and is available every time Brann can’t dispel you. The problem is if you let yourself get feared or fail to kill an egg in time and Brann dispels a fear/stun on you instead, but that is frankly a skill issue that has to be overcome.

I guess the question is how do classes like holy priest or boomkin do it solo?

Hopefully ill actually be able to dps the eggs now without getting one tapped by the cone ability that is somehow always right on top of the egg. Its been a nightmare trying to do this as melee.

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