Nobody is asking for a cheese to the encounter, it’s pretty stupid as a prot warrior to try to deal with the frontals, the interrupt, and low damage on the egg outside of cooldown windows.
It’s poorly tuned. There’s zero reason why when I’m prot I should be taking more than twice the melee damage per hit than when I’m specced DPS.
These are still coming in too quickly in ??
Kick at the start of the spittle cast and I still had 3 seconds before kick when he finished casting regenerative carapace.
also I still don’t understand why they’re having his melee white hits hit so hard when it’s supposed to be about avoiding mechanics, I’ve died more times to him just getting back to back crits.
ya no nothing was changed at all just tried still hits like a truck fears every 10s, brann lvl 52 gets 1 shot and dies instantly, cant interrupt do to fear happening every 10s
spiders constatnly spawning as soon as it dies another instantly spawns webbing you all the time
also I just had him cast regen and then right after cast his poison like 2 seconds after I kicked his regen spell, something is still not right. Also the fear cast is way too short, you have to start running before he casts it to consistently get out of it.
But yet holy/disc priest have no way to interrupt since Zekvir cannot be stunned or feared, and Brann’s interrupts are sporadic. I’m guessing this content is only for specific classes…?