Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - September 26

He still feels very overtuned on ??. No one except maybe Shamans can interrupt both spittle and heal, meaning you need a way to deal with a 1M damage a second DoT, Brann seems to die on me around halfway through the fight and it is damn near impossible to res him because you have to dodge stuff constantly making it feel more like I will eventually get it through luck rather than actual skill. It’s farrrrr too reliant on Brann’s healing because Zekvir just does way, way too much damage. 2.5M damage auto attacks are just insane and the slightest mistake = restart. “Solo content” btw.


I just completed ?? on a mage with a 31 healer bran, and I’ve seen other mages who have done the same. I used amorphous relic and the earth totem.

It took me more tries than I’d admit, but you really need to (1) hold CDs for eggs, (2) use barrier with energized barriers only when hit with the spittle debuff, (3) stay in the boss’s melee range in order to not get hit by the claw attack; and (4) to the extent you can, stagger Bran’s healing pots HOT.

I also made macros for both interrupting Zekvir and targeting the cocoon. It’ll make it much easier not to miss interrupting his heal.

It took me 8 min and 55 seconds, so it’s more of a game of attrition rather than DPS race.


Not like it matters… Zekvir is just a failed mage tower and whoever made it should be ashamed that its not balanced per role. Zekvir is just a failed mage tower.


It just doesn’t feel correctly balanced for tanks yet. The cocoon HP is too high still, imo. Took an arms warrior in who is 7 ilvls lower than my main druid and have at least been seeing phase 2, without ever having an add spawn. At which point it’s just dealing with the RNG of not getting a bad placement or combo of abilities.

Brann doesn’t even interrupt for me anymore.

I’m not sure if this is happening to anyone else but it’s just ruining my fun trying for the boss. He seems to completely ignore Spittle and Carapace. I have no clue how I’m meant to deal with the spell overlap.

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I’ve managed to get Zekvir ?? to 18%. My experience with our “buddy” Brann so far:

  • HE IS ALWAYS FEARED, so there are times where you’re begging for a potion but he’s in the other effing room
  • His dispels are random at best (so there’s occasional overlap)
  • The only reliable thing he does is stand in frontals and fears
  • Which means that for 80% of the encounter in P2 he is disabled, and you have almost NO time to revive him

I don’t even know why he’s there. Not to mention Zekvir still crits for 3.5m & the egg spawns make this an RNG hell (like when you’re DPSing down an egg and he’s across the room casting his heal) :slight_smile:

Healer brann cannot interrupt.

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This is good to know and that’s on me for failing to realize that. Regardless, the egg RNG really can make or break an attempt, especially if you’re melee or have a limited range interrupt.

Sometimes you can get both with CDR talent, but a lot of the time you run the risk of boss just healing. You need to use slow removals to deal with spittle (assuming your class can), as at some point you will have spittle into heal or visa versa. I don’t think it’s the best way to provide a “challenging” encounter but it’s what you have to do to get your void flying machine.

I will admit you play a little Russian Roulette with Brann in P2. He didn’t seem to die for me until I got to spikes erupting from the ground, those seem to nuke him very hard comparatively. It does suck to be without his heals for like 1 minute+. Just try to cycle your defensives, use health pot and try to survive until Brann is back to throw you a few potions to juggle your health.

I did probably 20 attempts last night as both unholy and frost. Best I did was 60%.

The eggs were my downfall every single time. 10mil is a lot when you don’t have cds as a dk in either spec.

Yeah, certain classes and specs have very particular weaknesses in this fight. Some are so bad they really can’t be resolved. Like, with my warlock, I just don’t have enough in my toolkit to deal with the amount of necessary interrupts.

dps brann gives eggs more health lol.

Are you sure no warlock in the world has done it?

I tried dps and healing brann and a many number of relic combos.

Tried going full raid single target, m+ aoe based. Hybrid builds. Both unholy and frost.

If I save cds for eggs. I won’t have them for next egg and I lose out on boss damage.

Right now its a lose lose until I get more stats to beat the rune locking and/or just for more raw damage with gear.

See I have all of that covered. Mine just comes down to lack of damage. Dks suffer immensely in damage from cd downtime.

As a demon hunter you do not ever interrupt the poison. You clear the snare with vengeful retreat.

Did I say that?

It was way over nerfed.

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I haven’t done the ?? but the lower level ? feels just a tad too easy for sure.

My bear is like 595, I do the mechanics pretty well but I’m aware I’m messing up with positioning and getting to the ads late… but I am still clearing it pretty easily I did it 4 times last night in 7 attempts and I was jut learning it.

I’ll do it 4 times tomorrow too to fill out my vault and I’m guessing I one shot it if it’s still the same level of nerf

? is really easy to solo as a mage, it’s ?? that I can’t quite get yet. A little less health on eggs and I’d have it.

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I’ve only done it on tanks, is it tough on a caster? Does he smash your health or does Brann take aggro?