Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - September 26

Cute, except as a Destro Warlock, this is still virtually impossible. I cannot interrupt both casts. Brann’s interrupt is so flippant that I can’t rely on it.

I can only have 1 pet out at a time… one pet can taunt and keep the boss stable, one pet can interrupt (and is my only interrupt), and one pet can dispel magic (spittle). I need at least 2 pets out to have even a modicum of hope to kill the boss.

If someone wants to enlighten me on how to even scratch this boss, I’m all ears.

I just beat the Tier 2, ?? Zekvir
Holy freakin’ crap that was nuts.
Did this as Arms @613ilvl /w Brann as heals

The spittle can be removed by abilities that remove slows. Demonic Circle: Teleport, especially with Soulburn / Soul Etched Circles.

It was hard for me to do the DPS check of eggs at like 14 mil or whatever they were, now it’s fairly easy at like 8ish Mil and it seems like I have longer to kill them. Also keep in mind I’m ELE not Enhance.

Using the WoWhead Farseer ST build, I usually just sent any CDs I had. When P2 started I tried my best to save either Stormkeeper or Primordial wave for egg sets and just kind of attritioned the boss down. I know pets seemed to get beat up but Primal Earth Ele did me good, summoned it last 10% and just focused on mechanics.

At least as a shaman never interrupt spittle, at also refrain from using Ghostwolf as much as you can. Thunderous paws talent always gives you a removal for spittle (which is why you need to not use Ghostwolf), and I took Spirit Walk as a second removal since Brannon dispel is dubious as best and nonexistent when he gets chain feared in P2.

From there is mostly just using defensives (no concrete advice besides pressing it) and going through the motions. I did tend to use defensives if I had to kill an egg and didn’t want to overly worry about getting beat up.

Enhance might have different issues than Ele but I’m sure the survivability is a bit better because of Maelstrom healing if you get spooked. Like I mentioned, you can get double crit sometimes so just go again if he beats you up, and try to take a Brann potion after every melee or every other as best you can.

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I beg for literally anyone on the team to actually test the normal delves on 11 as a solo caster. It is so clearly obvious that isn’t happening. In what world is a pack with multiple caster mobs that chain cast spells every 4 seconds that do 20% of your max hp in the same pack as giant beetle that melees for 30% of your max hp that can’t be skipped due to objectives realistic? :rofl:

Bro that thing still clap my arsch

So I killed him solo last night, no issues as a destro lock on ? difficulty.

Today, i am trying with my wife (Resto Shaman) to get her the achiev and we are running into him just chain casting Spittle. Over and over again, while all his other mechanics are also going on. Just spittle, 2 seconds later: spittle. repeat.

I am pretty sure it is not supposed to behave this way.

Unless you’re >623, you are undergeared for t11.

Are you using healer Brann? I got an 11 done with no deaths just staggering healing potions when fighting multiple casters.

healing pot stack and give you immortality kinda, had them stack up to 11 before hah.

The additional time to kill the eggs was all that was necessary in order for me to finish Tier ?? for the mount. Still a lot of RNG on egg spawns and cast orders, but at least its doable. Before I couldn’t even kill an egg.

If you’re struggling with getting hit while shifting just play Druid of the Claw and you keep most of your armor/health when swapping to cat.

You could probably also find an enemy swing timer weakaura/addon and continue as Elune’s Chosen, but that seems way harder and Druid of the Claw has higher single target damage anyway.

that is huge, thank you for the enlightenment!

I was able to beat Zekvir hard mode solo with my Destro lock 612 ilvl. It took me 2 hours but once I saw the mechanics numerous time I was able to down him and it felt very rewarding.

Did ? earlier today. Took a couple deaths to learn the timing, but wasnt bad. Id also changed talents and wasn’t comfortable yet. But did it.

Did a B T9 and then a regular T10.

Will do my first T11 and attempt ?? tomorrow. Im excited for it.

Speak for yourself. I want a challenge but it was mathematically impossible for me to handle zekvir solo on the first difficulty as a geared mage, plus the arena is not suited to mage utility at all such as blink.

Post your completion on multiple classes including mage and I’ll concede. Otherwise stop giving your wrong opinion to the devs

its a slow/poison. just interrupt the heal, and either pre-freedom the spittle so it never applies, or dispel it?

cant you cleanse poison as soon as its applied?

Zekvir is still doing 3.5m melee criticals. Please adjust this. 2 crits in a row = instant death.

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There are three skill checks to hardmode, they are.

  1. Dealing with Spittle
  2. Interrupting heal
  3. Killing spider eggs before they hatch (or spider after they hatch)

Every dps with sufficient gear could do #3 since it is a dps check, and while tight, r4 curios, Brann, and item level makes easier to accomplish.

The other two checks are wholly dependent on your spec and the tools it has. It is significantly easier for some than others, like Priest, but it is still possible as Mage. You just need to use your entire kit.

If there’s true discrepancies with classes that physically cannot meet these checks, then those should be addressed on a case-by-case basis which they did here. Unfortunately, at the same time they trivialized the damage requirement of the fight and made it twice as easy from before the nerf.

I just killed him normal difficulty on my fresh lvl 80 Mage 520 ilvl first try, just slapped on some cloth Warbound gear. These nerfs were a severe overkill.