Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - September 26

The achievement date is enough.

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more likely its based on Talent specialization as that’s an easier flag. But if this were the case it’d make Relicblood of Zekvir the goto

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I tried and tried on my 604 destro-hellcaller with a level 31 Brann healer and made zero progress on ?. Going to be jumping right into this to see how far I can get.

I’m not fond of that relic, especially in high damage fights. Taking a health reduction feels like a really bad choice, especially for the small benefit.

?? seems incredibly easier. Got to 35% after like 4 ilvl upgrades this week but i dont think those were necessary after these changes, primarily the Egg change. Eggs having what seems like half their HP is insane, and the very slight fear cast change is nice, since I use Thunderous Paws to help get rid of Spittle and dont want to ghost wolf unless I have to (yes shamans have it good).

Only real complaint right now? 3.2 million auto attacks. On my best attempt just now it wasnt a mechanical error, egg, or missed interrupt that did me in, it was back to back crit attacks. Im sure this was bad RNG but it does sting that this was what did me in.

Edit: And I just completed it. I will say that if you dont have slow removals it is very annoying to try this fight. Yes, snare removals still work and that was probably one of the most anxiety inducing points of the fight in making sure i had a removal ready. 615 ilvl, though with these changes I would say very likely 605-610 could do this, might be class dependent though.

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If they want to create a real skill check just have it replace our gear with a generic set when we enter and then they can tune everything as tightly as they want since we’d all be on the same playing field. They could adjust it per class/spec to have it more evenly tuned.

Most people don’t want skill checks though, they want to over gear it and mow it all down.


Please Change it back If it weren’t for Brann’s crappy AI and ability to put the boss into terrible positions I would have killed it on my 1st attempt this morning.

What do you mean “maybe?” That’s the only benchmark they should be using. Not everyone plays plate-wearing, self-healing, meta specs.

Spec by spec would be a lot of work, I’d say broad role by broad role would probably be fine.

Doing some testing. Dps check can be met on priest at 600 ilvl.

Right, so they have to bring down the difficulty to the lowest denominator and if that means classes who were better equipped for solo play to begin with will have an even easier time, then so be it. What you can’t have is it being unreasonably difficult or downright impossible for the underperforming specs. The last thing we need is for it to be an overtuned mess like the Timewalking version of the Mage Tower. The meta achievement for which has been completed by less than 1% of players last I checked the statistics.

Idk I thought that was exactly what we did need. That level of difficulty at the appropriate ilvl (615 or so) and then 5-7 ilvls worth of leeway for players to overgear it as the expansion progressed without needing to do content outside of delves.

It needed the spell queueing fixed so melee could bait frontals, brann’s dispel / interrupt changing so the player had control of them, and separate HP / Add tuning for healers and tanks.

It didn’t need the dps check cut in half for everyone.

Doing some testing RN and it’s doable at ilvl 600 for priest, on “??”.

I’m sorry but just how.

I’ve been working on ?? today. Lowest attempt so far has been 20%. This fight is absolutely RULED by RNG, especially the egg placements.

Also, Brann is frustratingly stupid – he is CONSTANTLY getting disabled due to standing in the frontals & fears, and there are very few windows in which to revive him due to all of the crap we have to avoid. He’s virtually useless in P2 unless you’re really lucky


Sadly majority of people are not liking the Delves. They been complaining about them on wow sites and in game saying too hard too easy giving free welfare epics and mythic raiders and mythic plus dungeons players are not thrill people getting free welfare epics with Delves like they do in LFR

When will you make it possible to solo with a DH? 2hrs spent trying to kill this guy…
It’s impossible to interrupt both the heal and poison cast. So you either let him heal to full or you let him dot you and you die from poison dmg. Cause he is still hitting so hard that 2 hits without a heal means death and with the dot that makes it even worse.

I’m able to kill the add before it hatches, even before the hotfix I could, that isn’t the problem. The main issue is he’s hitting so hard that I’m using Branns healing pots and souls every swing. So during that pause when there’s no pots or souls down I’m dead if he swings twice before they come up, coupled with the dot that I need to take to the face every time, it’s game over.

It would be really nice if Brann wasn’t so absolutely useless and either interrupted one of the casts or dispelled the poison dot.

You guys should consider spacing the heal and dot out longer than 10secs so that way classes with only 1 interrupt can actually have a chance at getting them.

*Edit the space between the heal and dot isn’t 10secs… it seems to be random. I’ve had him cast the dot and heal right after the other, so it can be 1 sec between both. clearly not enough time to interrupt unless you have 2 interrupts or an immunity for the dot. Also Brann is the biggest POS ever, he will SOMETIMES dispell the dot on you but it’s very inconsistant. I’ve had rounds where he did it almost immediately and others where he never does it at all.

All i can do is cross my fingers that blizz doesn’t mess around with this boss some more and make it harder and once I get mythic gear I should be able to dps him quicker so deal with less dot dmg.


Brann still gets 1-shot from the frontal that isn’t claw smash
This is especially devastating at the end of P2 when you ABSOLUTELY need some form of heals
I keep reaching 25-35%, but the 25% total heal in P2 is absolutely RAGE INDUCING
Since Zek casts both heal + spittle within 13s of each other …

I need to see a clear of ?? Zekvir on an Elune Guardian Druid to see if I’m just bad at this.

I put in another 2 dozen or so tries since my last replies. Basic feedback, no matter if Brann is dps or heal spec, he’s nearly useless in helping to take down the cocoons. Yes, they’re under 10m HP now, but I can’t front load the kind of required DPS needed to get these down before they hatch, regularly. If I get them, it’s by the skin of my teeth, and usually when I have the 12% damage done buff from Amorphous Relic. And if one hatches, it very quickly spirals out of control. Zekvir will fear soon quickly thereafter and the add will just sit in the fear.

When the cocoon spawns, if I can, I put myself between Zekvir and the cocoon. That way, when he casts the fear after the cocoon spawns, there is some wiggle room to still be meleeing the cocoon and be out of the fear.

It’s a total crapshoot if Brann will actually help by using abilities on the cocoon, but more often than not he’s hopping around or getting feared. He gets feared so often in this fight, it’s awful, why the hell is he constantly coming into melee?

I have to use skullbash on the heal alone, cause if I use it for anything else, the next heal is going to get off. So I powershift the spittle, but I can’t do that when he is between ability casts, because I’m vulnerable out of bear for ~1.5 seconds. Losing 220% armor and half my HP when Zekvir is throwing out 2-3m damage melees while I’m in bear form.

Put a build together that’s focused solely on squeezing as much single target damage out as possible, but it’s just not enough.

100% agree with you. Lol :laughing:. I’m sitting here cacking myself. I’m an extremely average WoW player and only did the encounter last week for the first time. Hell, I had no idea Zek’vir was even a thing until I read something about it in general chat then checked it out of curiosity.

I gotta say, it was hard but it only took me 6-8 attempts on ?. I think I was i-level 597 then.

I guess having the achievement prior to the hotfix is a small badge of honor haha!

There are two versions of Zekvir. The second one was much much harder than the first.

Hence my disappointment, I was getting around to giving a go this weekend :smiling_face_with_tear:.