Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - September 26

Went from best of 80% to faceroll with 605 assassination.

Hadn’t tried before but because of this thread gave it a shot. 609 unholy failed to kill the egg twice because I didn’t notice it but still won lmao

Single ? Version only though, haven’t tried ??

Level ?- faceroll. Brann as a healer only did 4.55 mil vs. my 93.50

Level ??- Still hits you for 1.5 mil or more and is still impossible

all good fixes. but im curious about this “change”.

in my ~200 failures before finally downing this fella, I never noticed any particular ability to influence where the coccoons landed. as a tank player, I could move him around the room, but this already seemed pretty random to me.

first, it was easy because of brann. then they changed it and made it super rough. i got him down then.

these changes feel like that are on par with the 600 ilevel the content suggested.

?? should stay really, really difficult.

it suggests 623 ilevel which is later season ilevel, i would guess.

I am 608 on my guardian and it doesn’t look like i can really upgrade my gear until I get into +4s. due to IRL stuff, I won’t quite be doing those for a bit.

If you tanked him in the entrance nook he only spawned cocoons under himself.

From my experience I noticed the cocoons tended to spawn in an area close to wherever I currently was positioned and had Zekvir, whether that was on the stairs, left side of stairs, right side of stairs, entrance area, etc. I would try to bait them in a spot then bait his shockwave to not overlap them or else I’d have to move and lose time on cocoon dps.

My guess now is it won’t matter where Zekvir is, the cocoons will just spawn in one of the random spots, meaning if I tank him on the steps the cocoon could still spawn on the opposite side of the room.

Probably should have kept it that way now the rng for melee is pretty insane on that fight as it can still spawn close to him, or even none at all in p2 if you get a good spell queue.

Or made proximity more explicit.

I’m kinda disappointed overall with this fight. Badly designed from a mechanical PoV, extremely rocky initial launch, then instead of giving it the class / role based tuning it needed they sledgehammered it even for the specs that already got a real challenge out of it.

Don’t have the highest hopes for what we get season 2.

I think it’d be interested to gauge the dps required to get the egg down as intended.

Ret Paladin has the tools to do this fight with immunity and 20-40% damage reduction cooldowns, plate armor and a on demand high burst ability with a cooldown shorter than the eggs. Faceroll easy as said.

Almost every other tank class, even dk the mechanics need to be flawless for 6 mins without a single flaw or miss. The egg time can be handled with sustained focus dps. But Zekvir does come stand right on top of you and fear and aim both of his major 1hit mechanics at you while you’re doing so. Meaning you have to break off from dps which means you get the hatch.

Focusing on the hatch still takes most of the dps. At 340-400k average on the add I’m able to for a while get him down just before another hatch. But onece i eat a slow or poison while focusing I fall behind. Once I get a second hatch up its over as there is no time to focus on the boss directly.

I can’t put my finger on it, but something seems to trigger him to almost bloodlust casting too . Its random, but he’ll start fearing much faster, doing back to back shockwaves and throwing out eggs at a much more rapid pace. I thought it was tied to 50% life, but he just did it to my dk at about 90% life

Patience always pays off in this game. I almost feel bad for all the players that rush around all the time.

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careful now, the git gud squad will come in and tell you that its a skill issue and not a tuning issue.

I wonder if the auto attacks are health based like the higher your HP the higher he hits you?

Eh, I got a lot of enjoyment out of doing it last week. The journey is often more important than the destination.

Looks confused in disc


Just as an FYI. Went in with my buddy; we got it done (my the skin of our teeth), but if you do this as two people… at least for us anyways… there were instances where Zekvir would literally do his acid cast 3 times back to back. My mage’s interrupt wasn’t even 50% cooled down from the first cast by the time he had casted it two more times… He was kind of going crazy with it, and it was like a 1 second cast time, at that.

Fight definitely felt like he was moving at hyperspeed compared to doing it solo. lol.

Since last night’s hotfix, I am in ?? and have noticed after he casts AOE fear the animation for his Web Claw or Web Shot is delayed by about 1 second. His abilities will cast but the animation doesnt show until 1 second later.

I dont think this is a lag or computer issue. The game is running smoothly. I have 300+fps, 24ms.

Is it just me having this issue?

you should give a special acheiv for those who did it before nerf :3

Can we get a fix to brann to prioritize cleansing the player over the dinosaur and the monkey? I’ve since learned I can slow-break the spittle, but prior to that I was just hoping he would choose to cleanse me. Made tier ? Harder than it could have been.

Not just you, reports of this on WoWhead and in my experience last night. Definitely cost me a couple of attempts.