Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - September 26

When are you guys going to fix all the rogue bugs. I’m tired of 0 blue posts in the rogue section as well as all the non rogue news on mmo champion


Iv been following what you’re saying and you have pretty much nailed it. Before I took your advice made it about 2 secs into the fight and died.
I have attempted this on BM and survival hunter, ret pally, enhancement shaman, bdk, and balance Druid.
Druid and dk I couldn’t make any progress.
Shaman did pretty damn good but my ilvl is still a bit low.
BM with pet taunt off did okay but I made it farther and more consistent with survival.
Ret absolutely destroyed it. If I’m going to clear this in its current form it will most likely be on pally. Freedom the spittle, interrupt the heal and awake the add.
what keep getting me over and over and over was the damn cone while trying to melee the add. All it takes is one bad direction and you’re screwed if both hit at the same time which is almost guaranteed at some point.

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you!

you broke duo with your changes here. I solo’ed zekvir ? and ?? as arms warrior and blood dk pre and post nerf but I’ve been helping my wife out with it.

It’s much easier now but the biggest problem on ?? is that he spam casts his heal now, I think your 2nd to last change had unintended side effects on larger parties.

I interrupted his first heal, my wife 2nd, brann 3rd by luck, and he spam casted the heal a 4th time all back to back with my interrupt still not on CD. He should only cast it once or twice in a row max in a duo party.


Managed as a 624 blood dk to do ?? solo, fight is stupid rng and terrible for melee and as a tank I most often have to kill spiders and simply deal with their cast without using my interrupt on them. I don’t think it can be compared to mage tower because of it not really being finely tuned and that makes a world of difference. I also think it’s a bit absurd that tanks have to deal with the same hp pools while taking more dmg.


Been working on that fight as a Lock, and I’m really feeling the lack of Evoker buff of all things.

I like your suggestion of having Brann’s interrupt be an extra action button. This would let holy/disc priests dispel the spittle and interrupt the heal.

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what does evoker buff do for locks? portal cd?

This still feels wild on Mage. Basically, you can’t let the heal go off, so you need to eat the dot. Brann as healer and strategically leaving the bottles on the ground works kind of, until you need to run from the cones. The health of the web is fine but unless I have a CD up I won’t be able to get it. Letting the mob hatch at low cocoon HP isn’t game breaking because I can use other CC on it before I kill it, but at that point things are likely to get more chaotic, not less.

So IMO this is still a super hard gear check for those of us without healing.

The web cone is also still hitting me when I’m BEHIND the boss.

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Demonic circle

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Still would not be able to complete as in P2 brann is dead for a large portion of the phase.


dang, didn’t realize that

Now what do I do? The hunter is nothing without the hunt
I am nothing without him

I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella.And I have never known defeat.

Whenever Zekvir shows up, Might as well be me trying to solo the Tarragrue at level 1 with a frost bolt

I wish it were less Uber Diablo, and more like one extra boss in the dungeon

At least some kind of warning like the wall shakes or the mobs all scatter in fear and you kind of expect it to happen soon.

Instead, it’s like I’m already fighting a pack that’s about to kill me and he’s just there for the coup de grâce lulz

:izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab:

Guardian can shift the spittle off. Don’t waste the interrupt.

Boo… The difficulty should stay hard. Hope it’s not too much. Fixes? Great! But no nerfs, since its already been defeated as presented

When your game’s combat is based off of auto attacks with no actual dodge mechanics vs. one that is.

I can see why. :joy:

This is still not 100% accurate, Even when interrupting at the end of a cast, there is a squence that can’t be interrupted by me(Aff Warlock) or brann. its about 1 second off, using a brann interrupt tracker making it impossible to interrupt and just eat the spittle

Edit: further trying, its way more off if brann gets feared… Making this impossible with a caster interrupt
Even more testing, Brann having a 30 second interrupt being considered with these changes? I assume not since unfeared brann still having 2.5 seconds on interrupt CD while im sitting at 10 second CD unable to interrupt spittle

Also being able to sit there and get smacked by him taking rather minimul damage, but when testing with demo, the felguard gets 1-2 tapped making it useless and unable to interrupt cause its dead…

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Is this broken for some group sizes/comps? Tried it last night with a 3 person group - tank+healer+dps - and the spittles were going off faster than our interrupts were coming off cd. Also Brann did less than half the damage I did (holy paladin).

What? It barely tickles the boss.

I was trying to do it week 1 post changes at drastically lower ilvl by trying to get zekvir to kill the adds for me, but it was far too inconsistent. Week 2 with roughly 615 ilvl it was possible to just kill the adds outright.

You could still MC the last one and go boss to not need to kill it but so could many specs who have a hard CC.