Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - September 26

You referring to the delve track?

The delve vendors in dornogal. There’s ship customization blueprints that are un-selectable. To unlock they say “progress further with delves”. Maybe they’re tied to different delve achievements I’m not aware of.

The maps are in blue chests kid not bountiful purples

Ah, you must be talking about the schematics like the Rotor Blades and Propellers.

It must be because I can purchase those now.

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Sounds good, thanks

You get ‘delver’s journey’ progress from completing bountiful delves and looting bountiful coffers. You can view it in the group finder UI. There’s a tab at the bottom for delves and the bar is shown at the top with what’s unlocked at each milestone.


I just went back through ? as Unholy and this change to the eggs made it MUCH easier. I was able to kill it first try with no issues at 607.

Perfect, thank you!

First time I cleared level ? tonight he dropped a 4/4 curio. Seems like that was fixed as well?

On ?? difficulty, after the 60% transition, Brann just is permanently dead. The Unending Spines rockfall just perma kills him continuously. Even if you manage to get off a resurrection, he will just die again 5 seconds later. This makes it incredibly difficult given some classes rely on Brann’s utility to survive. Please make him not die as much or just take further reduced damage.

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I cleared it on my brew monk at 608 ilvl but I needed to rotate active trinkets and stuff on the eggs to kill them and save touch of death in case I was not gonna make it or if it hatched.

Edit: ?? difficulty, not ? btw

guess cause brann is supposed to kill it but gl with the rng, maybe you’ll have to rescue him beside the egg so he focuses it xD

Seems good now, I’ve only managed to get ?? to 43% so far. (610ilvl, Dev SC evoker.)

Brann seems a little unreliable still with his interrupts and dispells though.

Had a couple encounters where he doesn’t throw a single potion at all, had another fight where he cast dispell when there was nothing to dispell.


Ironically everyone who got the achievement early literally did it on easy mode

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Yeah, I’m only getting hit for about 1-1.2M as a clothie.

Love Delves and love the big crazy tough end guy approach. I made about a dozen attempts so far, maybe got to about 50% at my best. As mage, it felt pretty undoable. I was planning to just way over gear it and try again. These changes should give me some hope to give it another round of effort.

It does cast, brann doesn’t always interrupt it tho

I’m able to solo all of the T11 Delves with no issue, was able to do Zek’vir ? difficulty when I was ilvl 595 (612 now), however, even with the hotfixes yesterday it is nearly impossible to solo ?? difficulty as melee due to the eggs spawning and then Zek casting cone effects at max range while you are trying to kill an egg which means you must have heroic leap up (or other big movement cd) or you die. However, 3/4s of the time, if you have to stop dps on the egg to avoid his cone abilities you miss the dps check and the spider spawns, which still one shots me. The enfeeble spite and bulwark ability timers is a noticeable improvement but personally as a Warrior they still do not have a large enough gap. The only way to counter both is to spec into Charge removing movement imparing effects, heroic leaping out/charging back in, or charging the egg IF its up. Because there’s a 30 second debuff on using this ability, there are times where you do not have a Brann dispell, charge removal, or Pummel unless you want to let Zek get a regeneration off. Either Brann’s dispel cd needs to be lowered, Brann needs to be able to interrupt in healing spec, Zek’virs timers need to be further adjusted, or just make it to where he cannot cast his frontals while a egg is up.

Additionally, DPS Brann is broken in this fight, where as I actually experience a dps loss if I change him to dps spec. He literally does nothing. Brann in dps spec should significantly change how quickly the eggs die but that’s not the reality. When “adjusting” Brann’s threat generation on this fight it is my guess that something else was broken.

idk… I tried to do Zekvir in (??) mode with my 612 ilvl lock and I feel Brann doesn’t always interrupt and that makes the fight more difficult.