Zek'vir change proves the team isn't listening to the players

You are wrong, Blizzard has outright said you are wrong.

You can perform whatever mental gymnastics you want, and you will still be wrong.


Don’t let the forums fool you, ? Zekvir is a challenge to most. Only ~14% of players have defeated him.


Where did you get that no way is that low

Dang it. Guess I missed out. :sob::sob::sob:


Which likely isn’t 100% accurate, thus the ~ (around).

But I struggle to believe that it isn’t at least representative of the actual number.

I’d say far more visiting this forum haven’t than have, so seems accurate on that front too.

That would require delves to actually be fun content and not drab lifeless mines with Brann Bronzebeard screaming in my ears about, “Don’t stand in TEH WebZ”

It is super fun, actually. It is do lively and with constant people doing it and talking about how they enjoy their time in it. People share their accomplishment in Discords over Delves achievements, they are talking often and in positive fashion about it too.

You dont like it? Ok. Thats you, and a shame. But you have the things you enjoy to do the game, so, thats great! A lot of prople finally found theirs, tho.

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Okay little guy. Calm down, spell check next time. I’m glad you’re having lots of funz with NPC Brann and repeating the same 8, 15 mins worth of content

I mean I enjoyed killing zekvir 8 times a week yet that got nerfed for vault still

Typing on phone has been a struggle in this WoW Forum app, really do not know why.

You can still kill him 8x in the week.
Vault should not matter for the enjoyment of content.

The only content in WoW that’s actually fun is learning new raid mechanics and progressing fights for the first time. Farming raid isn’t fun either.

M+ is a boring slogfest where you just repeatedly run the same dungeon at scaling difficulty (the laziest type of difficulty).

Delves are the same thing but with objectives and then scaling difficulty.

I’d rather play hearthstone battlegrounds any day of the week. Inheritly player versus player gamemodes are more dynamic, more skill based, more interesting to increase your skill level at.

loot progression is part of enjoyment

Not really, you can enjoy something and get no loot progression. This week I was helping people who could not kill Zekvir for the Nemesis, I got nothing out of that but fun with people.

Loot progression in Delves also has a wall that other content should not. Best thing you can get is Heroic Tier, with luck, on Vault. Everything else is not the best gear for anything, just has higher ilvl.

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so you would be fine if loot was removed from the game entirely and we just had static stats or the entire expansion

Please do not put words in my mouth.
Most casual players, the ones who engage this content, do not really care about gear or loot progression at all. They will be happy at 606, trust me.

Loot progression is okay, but a good player can outperform someone while nearly 20ilvl lower.

In raids it was very common to see that happening. While it is a fun dopamine rush to get something new, the reality of it is that people can take their time to accomplish such. There really is no need to rush every content to unlock 9 options where 8 will be garbage.

And the Delve ones will always be garbage compared to Raid and M+ loot tables.

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Honestly, you’re not getting around this … Mythic+ falls into the same category as well. The first times someone does something, it’s fun, it’s novel, but since this an MMO, and the loot grind is the primary motivating factor for end-game content, EVERYTHING becomes a grind, and players will ALWAYS look for the quickest, most efficient path forward to get the rewards their after.

Or in other words, Delves could have been the most fun content ever made, but with how broken-easy the Zek’vir clears were, they never would have done it. It’s that simple. Because path of least resistance is always the path taken, especially when it comes to the loot grind treadmill.

It was an oversight, plain and simple. If Blizzard actually thought about this before the expansion went live, it never would have been an option … I mean come on, we all know it was broken af. Getting 3 choices of heroic gear for 30 minutes worth of extremely easy work? LOL, yeah, no. This was never intended.

That said, I 100% agree with the frustration. Blizzard took away fast/easy clears. It’s annoying for sure. But again, it was broken af, and never should have been in the game to begin with.

This is the doom-and-gloom, forum echo chamber talking here … We have as much anecdotal evidence that people are having a great time with TWW and Delves being a great addition to the game.

Now, as far as my personal feedback. I do wish Delves were a little more interesting, or had more variety. Right now, they are all mostly glorified kill/collect quests with a boss at the end.


I dont understand what you’re saying. I play the casual content how do I not get to give an opinion of it if its content that I engage with and effects my playtime?

I was saying you’re wrong about me “not using delves as intended” I dont understand what the intention is I never did the zekvir thing. I do my 8 T8s because of the map chances and until this vault I had adventurer bracers still. What exactly is the intention of delves? I complete them I get the reward. is there something more than that? Thats literally all the content in the entire game. You do it, you get rewarded. What other intention is there?

What makes it even funnier it’s coming from the M+ crowd while “claiming” they’re casual.

Casual gamers liked helldivers 2, yet hardcore/nolifers whatever you want to call them ALSO liked it. Casual gamers liked warhammer yet, so could the other crowd. Why is it that delves are “for casuals” and not for everyone? If something is good, everyone should like it, including casuals. Diablo 3 was really fun and you could play it at your own pace a ton grinding every day, or just getting on an hour here and there.

This argument that delves are “for casuals” Doesnt really make sense because casuals are still people who are playing games. Is the argument that m+ players are “too good” to have fun fighting 2 mechanic bosses after looting 8 XYZ? I think all the delves are incredibly samey and uninspired. I guess you can make the same argument with M+ if you want to its samey after you run a dungeon 30 times that is true lol. But even delves I was running for the first time was like, I literally already did this in a different delve now im just underwater and its saving niffens instead of miners or something of the sort.
Candle vs air purifier is the same delve. The variations of delves arent really different, they even have the same rares in every delve.

While leveling the 2nd delve I did I was like oh so they’re just going to be cloning the same delve with a different skin like 4 or 5 times

I guess if you like delves good for you congrats on being the target audience… Thanks to the progression system I will be over here doing “your content” like its a job until I have full hero gear or at least enough to not care for 1 piece of it while I try for myth gear eventually.