Zek'vir change proves the team isn't listening to the players

Well here’s a difference, on some level, generally everyone engages with casual content even if they’re a raider or m+ player. We all had to do emerald dream in dragonflight right? We all had to do torghast in shadowlands.
Not everyone engages with raids or m+ so why would someone have an opinion on something they have never done and will never do?
On the flip side All casual content is content for everyone to do.

Delves aren’t Torghast, they aren’t the Emerald Dream. Those were an expansion feature and patch zone respectively.

Delves are an endgame pillar, equivalent to the likes of M+ and raiding. Just because you physically can do something, doesn’t mean that it’s “for you”, and it doesn’t mean that it should be shaped around your wants. I think if you carry that logic over to other areas of the game you’ll see that.

If you have no intention of using Delves in the intended fashion (as an endgame progression system), then your feedback is objectively worth less than those using Delves in the intended fashion.

I’m sorry if that’s tough to swallow. It’s genuinely not meant as an attack, it’s just the reality of it.

This is factually incorrect when it comes to Delves. As shown in my previous comment, Blizzard have been very clear when it comes to the purpose of Delves and that isn’t as “content for everyone to do”.


You’re wrong because I have used delves as intended, and as a matter of fact it only rewards hero gear not myth so, even delves themselves offer themselves as a stepping stone and not true endgame content. it doesnt go to the endgame. and in fact it stops mattering after an 8 delve, which is easier than a 4 key.

edit: easier than a 4 key with better rewards

It would be fair if it counted once - nice change of pace, and let’s someone get 1 easy one in.

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Giving players everything they think they want isn’t always good game design. A lot of people just want easy, which is bad for game design. This is one example of exactly that.


I wish I could say that I was shocked that people are mad that they can’t get three 616 Hero track selections per week for only 20 minutes of time.

That is true, but I mean doing T8 delves IS easy its just a time consuming slog. Many people have pointed this out. Its essentially free hero gear for going through. If you had to do fishing for 2 hours for a free hero piece people would do that too I guarantee it. Do your 5 timewalking for a piece of gear, its not exactly fun weve done all those dungeons hundreds or even thousands of times probably. The entire game of wow for most people is about gearing up and as effeciently as possible. if doing delves is the most time efficient and easiest way to get hero gear do you really think that content isnt for them just because they think its boring?

When the weekly quest to do 5 m+ keys a lot of people just do 5 2’s and slam it out as fast as they can even if theyre a m+ player. Why not just let people do zekvir 8 times if they want? they miss out on maps for bonus hero gear, and the end champion gear aswell. This is just more time metrics from blizzard. Delves should not even reward hero gear in the first place, I have not done an 11 so I cant actually say that with full confidence. But there is no reason for me to do an 11 for some title I dont care about and fight ?? zekvir for some mount I dont care about im only in it for the gear.

Another solution, make the harder delves give the hero vault. maybe 11s even myth is it that hard? I dont know somebody whos done 11s has to tell me that.

Something I’d like to say is Ive been a runescape player before. That should explain a lot of my logic I guess lol. There is a lot of unfun things you do in runescape for the sake of progress.

They have made tons of content in the game and are still acting like they need to drip feed us it. The more content they make the more people will move towards quick content.

I personally would like to see rewards more based on how much time things take us if think they should slow people down or we will continue to run into these situations where players take the most efficient route rather than the one they find most fun.

I would rather kill one mob that takes 2 minutes over and over again than something that takes 10 times as long is the reward is equal. It doesn’t mean the first is more fun it is just I then have time to do things that are more fun for me.

They should never had made Zek’vir count in the first place for the vault though given he is more of a cosmetic extra type of mob.

If I dont have keys for bountiful Id rather do zekvir 8 times in a row to get vault…

well the simple answer is: it wasn’t intended. it was an oversight that they corrected.

Here’s the thing, I enjoy doing the delves. I’m not just looking to fill my great vault Tuesday night before a raid.

I feel like a bulk of the people upset by this change are the ones who don’t care for delves and just wanted a speedy way to get free hero track gear on Tuesdays.

If you were blowing up Zekvir and filling 3 vault slots faster than any other vault slot with heroic level gear, that seems to defy the purpose. Zekvir is the solo players raid boss, and he was being used by groups to just farm heroic stuff easy.

As a casual and alcoholic I disagree entirely. A T8 takes me like 30 mins spread throughout the week I can fill my great vault for world content easy.

It may sound like I am hard disagreeing with you across the board, but I’m mainly against your overdramatization of the situation. The change was too extreme though, they should have let the first Zekvir kill of the week count as a T8. Give people a reason to fight him again after the first kill, but not making him farmable.

Easy medium.


I tried on five different characters, four of which were all done the first time around 585, one of which was a 575 warrior alt. He has a few mechanics, and you can’t ignore them. a frontal cone that has a good chance to one shot you that he always casts two of, the egg you need to kill and if you fail that kill the spider that spawns asap or its a wipe, a poison cast you need to interrupt that Bran deals with every other cast that is survivable with healer Bran and a melee aoe fear you run out of. If you are choosing to do this fight as a healer or tank, you will likely struggle, especially at lower gear levels. The egg has to die, and you need to bring the boss over to it if you are doing it on melee so the frontal cone doesn’t kill you because the cone gets stupid big at 40 yards out.

I kept telling people this was for casual to core players and part of the outdoor world progression tier and they said I had no idea what I was talking about… heh. I actually pay attention to what the above developers said in interviews unlike them.

Now T9+ and Zekvir are meant to be a harder experience but only cosmetic and bragging rights stuff. Truth is Core players often rise to hardcore challenges when it appeals to them, but they aren’t diehard dedicated to it. I also don’t care about Zekvir gear rewards at all and only did it for the challenge and fun of it. Tier ?? I did for the challenge and to have the mount I guess, but it’s not something I’ll use likely most of the time.


I am doing it on this character. Now this is for Zek’vir ? but I can survive the frontal cone, take me to about 40% hp. I was standing at max range which for me is not good, I had to move to to just out of range of the aoe fear since the cone is smaller at the top you have more room to move out of it.

The spider is what caused most of my wipes, I was not focused enough on the egg to get it down. I tried aoeing it with the boss but my damage was not enough. So I just had to focus on the egg and let the pet tank.

As for the poison cast I maybe missing something to interrupt when I have my voidwalker out. What I currently use is the summoned felguard. So Bran dispels one, I interrupt one with felguard, and I heal through one. Repeat as needed.

After 5 maybe 6 times I was able to kill him barely. I plan on trying ?? difficulty but I am going to have to change what I do and get better. It was a struggle and I had 608 ilvl at the time. Skilled people can do more with less but I need more because I do less. It was hard. :sob:

This is why they should just give everyone gear for paying the sub. This way people can go play something else and let those of us who enjoy the game a less toxic environment.

Gear Junkies ruin everything.

not their end game content… not if unless rep is wrapped around it and you need to advance the rep to gain stuff for raiding. So no… No you shouldn’t have any opinion on casual end game.

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Where is Zek’vir? I have yet to run into him. :man_shrugging:t4::man_shrugging:t4::man_shrugging:t4:

its a small instance over by the raid near were the world boss for that zone spawns

You can still go kill Zek’vir, right now. It’s the same level of fun it’s always been.

I am grateful that blizzard implemented this change in a weekly reset instead of randomly

But I wish they communicated better , I feel sorry for all the content creators who wrote guides on filling the last row of vault only for it to be inaccurate. Even something like “we recognize that zekvir ? Contributing to vault reward is unintended and are working to fix in the next weekly reset ’ would’ve been nice

The decision itself is confusing to me , this was a popular vault unlock method and very few people want to spend the time in delves to farm past 600 or so ilvl