Zek'vir change proves the team isn't listening to the players

I’m not complaining at all, since I don’t do it. You and others like you have convinced me that end game will make me as unhappy as you appear to be. You, on the other hand, are practically throwing a tantrum about being forced to play a videogame where you are expected to tolerate people who may not want to be like you. It’s so unfair!


Yeah, I just don’t get it. I’m an old school player though and still remember the Vanilla days of marking targets to sap, sheep, and frost trap and going through dungeons one mob and one pack at a time. The vibe is just different now, and I just think it’s kind of funny to see how introducing timers and encouraging speed of completion changes player attitudes. Like for this post, I never even thought about farming 8 Zeks to fill my vault because I enjoy poking around and taking my time in delves.


Weird response, and no. I respect group content and respect that other people in the group don’t have the same attitude as I do. But for solo content like delves, yeah, I take my time and poke around in them. I explore and loot all the little Bran XP things on the ground even though the min/max thing to do would be to just complete it as quickly as possible. Until these patch notes came out with this change, I never even considered farming Zek eight times to fill a vault. So I’m just commenting that I find it funny. I have a slower approach to solo content and for some areas of the game I find it fun to take my time. But I understand not everyone’s idea of fun is the same.


This is an intrinsic problem with WoW, and largely with gaming as a whole these days. So many things aren’t designed for fun anymore, but rather as a time investment. The companies want people to invest more time in their game, so they design long, tedious activities with progression rewards at the end. Meanwhile players want to invest less time, so they pick the fastest and easiest option to get the rewards.

In the old days, you played a game for fun, and the game was designed to be fun. These days players want to make number go up, so games are designed to make you do chores to make number go up. In a way, it’s both the fault of the devs and the players that gaming is the way it is now.

Thankfully we still get the occasional genuinely fun game that doesn’t try to make you do excessive grinds or nickel and dime you for skins, like Elden Ring or BG3 or Stellar Blade or whatever.

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I would rather change it so it gives ONE vault credit for doing it. So you can still do it and get reward but wont be able to spam it for rewards.


It does not matter that there is a gap only that it can be done. You can cry about the skill gap all you want but it doesn’t matter.

Exactly this. In fact, lets take this to the extreme. Lets say killing Zekky 8 times was even MORE lucrative than it is now, by not only dropping hero gear and gilded crests each time you killed him, but also myth track gear in the vault. A month in, a person could conceivably have full myth track gear (with some crappy trinkets, but myth track ones). What then? Would they stop playing the game? No. It’s more likely they would then try out more demanding content. They’d probably try M+ and raiding.

What’s the catch then? Well, they still have to perform to be able to participate in the highest levels of content. Gear will only get you so far. The elite clubs are still safe.

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Or, put Zek on a 1 week lockout, but have him drop some champ gear and one of those maps to get a hero gear from a delve.


This is not their intention.


But they didn’t?

There’s nothing stopping you from capping out 8 delves for GV right now for 616 gear.

Being pedantic for a moment, he did say “nerfed”, meaning it isn’t as easy as it was before.

Oh I’m aware.

Their laziness is on them

Laziness should NEVER be associated with a person’s interaction with a leisure activity like WoW. World of Warcraft should not be a chore, or work for that matter.

I, for example, knew about guild member that were running Zek to fill their vaults. The most I could stomach doing it was to fill one slot in the vault, and even that I only did for one week because I don’t find the content interesting or engaging. The people that did take the time to run that thing 8 times in a row, in my opinion, deserve the gear they got because that had to be soul-leaving-the-body dull. I shudder just thinking about it. Seriously.

And I shudder thinking about ppl treating it as a chore, if you felt that way that means you never cared for the content to begin with. Why would you do something you weren’t enjoying in the first place? Just to stay ahead of some pixelated curve that gets reset between seasons?

I don’t even care about M+ but I’m not gonna it just to fill up the vault if I know I’m not having fun.

Yeah – I’m not a Delve player but I literally pulled out all of my activision stock today.

  • TWW sucks / is getting worse.
  • D4 same thing.

Really it’s kind of counterintuitive to continue doing something you dislike for the rewards, instead of speaking with your wallet and going elsewhere…if you’re still paying for it why would Blizzard care that you aren’t enjoying it?

Guess we found what they were working on fixing instead of fixing the UI issue with rated PvP queues for an entire day

Uh, 5 hours of Mythic+ runs is some really good gearing lol.

You mean they’re not listening to you.

I keep seeing people mentioning this, but most of those that appear to be complaining about the change are those who don’t want to actively engage with Delves as content and were using Zekvir as a means to fill out that section of the vault with little effort.

Given that only ~13% of profiles (as per Wowhead) have attained the achievement you get for clearing Zekvir, I certainly don’t think your average player who’s using Delves as their endgame was spamming Zekvir to fill their vault.

Zekvir is meant to be the season endboss for those people, not an easy way for the likes of M+ players to get relevant loot.

To quote another:

Once again, those spamming Zekvir were disproportionately not those that the content is aimed at. Just read through the announce thread for the change and note how many of those complaining state they outright do not like doing Delves.

If you primarily engage in M+ or raiding, then the “trade-off” of not getting stuff like Delver’s Journey from Bountifuls is not really a trade-off. Neither is the gear, as a sizeable portion of those people only get upgrades from the vault (once again, you can read through the announce thread to see that - it’s also more likely that somebody with a higher ilvl is going to be capable of farming Zekvir efficiently).

If something becomes a super efficient way to get gear, then people that the content is not targeted at are going to feel pressured into clearing it just because it’s soo efficient. This is not healthy design, we learned that the hard way through things like Torghast (or “Choreghast”, and you can guess where that name stems from).

It is not casuals. Only ~13% of the playerbase has cleared Zekvir. Do you really think it’s casuals that make up the largest portion of that?

As for altoholics, it really isn’t the average alt player either. I don’t think maxing the Delve vault on all 5 of your alts is a realistic expectation to have, nor is it required. Getting one or two vault slots unlocked is perfectly achievable without spamming Zekvir, clearing 8x T8 Delves on every one of your alts is excessive and all for one or two extra options.

That Paladin you rarely play doesn’t need to have all 3 options unlocked every week, just doing two Delves on them will net them a piece of 616 gear weekly. If you start to play them more, you can focus your time on ensuring their vault is maxed.

Once more, given the low percentage of players that have cleared Zekvir, I really don’t think your average alt-player was clearing Zekvir on all of their alts to fill the vault on each one. I’d argue that most casual players wouldn’t spam Zekvir over and over again (doing him what, ~24 times per week for 3 alts?), even if they could.