Zek'vir change proves the team isn't listening to the players

No, it just highlights that people will take the easiest route to best stuff.

No one is being punished.

Delves take like 15 minutes, at most. Get underkeep and you’re done in like 8.

The solo casuals who you’re referring to probably don’t even mess with Zekvir or can’t even get him down.

So let’s not be disingenuous here.

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Prople could do the Worldsoul Memories, get fragments and have around 6 keys per week. Its already very close of 8, they could just make it easier to get the resource for those.

Bam, 8 Keys for bountiful.

Still, ideally people would let go of the mentality that they HAVE to do something. Thats really not healthy for your own head.

Remember, those are casual content for casual people. Casual people dont grind like a madlad, and Delves are a wonderful W.

I feel like the real issue here aint Delves or its rewards, its that M+ people are disgruntled and feeling like they cant progress. So they put the blame on something else success instead of tend the content they want to play.

Nothing new under the Sun.

Zekvir’s lair is a challenge. All the players who can’t kill him can’t farm him and would be in delves. That’s the target audience for delves anyways. So, being skilled and able to kill Zekvir rewards you with faster rewards.

They basically killed this when they nerfed him and because they nerfed it, too many people (in Blizzard’s eyes) started farming him.

It sucks that people who are able to kill him consistently won’t be reward for it.

they could at least meet us in the middle and letting zekvir count as 1 or 2 for the purposes of delve vault slots. or make this unlockable for alts or something

You are looking at skilled people playing. If you are doing high Mythic+ or Heroic/Mythic raiding then yes Delves are going to be easy. Players that are your average are going to have a hard time with higher level Delves and need the gear to push them. I needed 600 ilvl gear to finish T7 Delves.

Now as the xpac progresses I can see Delves being harder in season 2 as the Delve player skill curve goes up.

The fact that the two are distinguished is a point worth discussing, I think.

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It works for me. Been playing a long time now.

You’re not supposed to fill up a whole row with heroic gear for 20 minutes of playtime.

In the entire history of the GV, that’s never been a thing.

No it doesnt, it simply shows players will always take the most optimal route, not the most fun route. This is absolutely not evidence of your claim at all.

It took me less than 15 minutes (1:40 kills on average) for a full row of heroic level pieces. This is absolutely too fast and obvious was not going to last.

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I personally find it fun to pet-battle and dragon fly race. I don’t understand why Myth gear isn’t just drowning me right now.


I’m so glad that somebody said this. People keep saying “if you don’t like delves don’t do them” it rewards the 2nd best gear in the game through maps and vault. Gee I wonder why all these people who think delves are boring are doing them, and then complaining about it?!


Personally I think they should just rename every Delve that’s not Zek’vir ?? “Walking Simulator”…wait Deaths Stranding? Pretending that they’re enjoyable or challenging is the real crime in my opinion.

Frankly I enjoy having something to do to enhance my character’s power that is not just posting my name on a list hoping to be chosen.


It does not matter if I am looking at skilled people. It can be done in that time. They are never going to cater to unskilled players.

This is disrespectful of players’ time. If the player invested the time and effort necessary to be able to farm Zek’vir, then that player should able to farm Zek’vir. It is a reward for that investment.

I didn’t touch Delves the past couple weeks, because while I don’t find them difficult, the mobs feel like health sponges and that is annoying.

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WoW players sure love that fomo mentality don’t they?

There is a big gap between Highly Skilled and Unskilled. Just catering to Highly Skilled is leaving a lot of the player base out, which is not good business. I also doubt highly skilled players care what get other people get. It is normally the people a bit above average that care the most about their accomplishments being diminished.


Delves themselves and being able to get heroic raid ilvl gear from them shows that Blizz listens imo.

Exactly…Delves are a love letter to people who don’t want to engage in content group content due to time, anxiety, whatever what have you. Heroic equivalent gear for people who have no desire to touch the other pillars in any meaningful way is extremely generous. It’s probably fine where it’s at since at some point they phase out.

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Also worth mentioning OP plays M+ and has 2.4K IO… he was not the intended audience for delves. So he’s upset he can no longer use it as a stepping stone to boost his performance on other end game pillar :joy:

Not without doing delves outside of Zek at least. :slightly_smiling_face:

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