Zek'vir change proves the team isn't listening to the players

Great, can we nerf the delve vault stuff so it gives champion gear that i dont care about then? Then i no longer have to do it, and as collateral damage people who like delves get worse loot.


Or Blizz could just leave little shortcuts like this in the game. Instead i’ll be running fungal folly in 5 minutes, takes slightly longer than zekvir runs, guessing that’ll be the next thing up on the chopping block to be nerfed.

“I’m not the problem YOU’RE the problem!!!”

Players will ALWAYS “rather kill a singular boss over and over”. It’s degenerate game play, it’s always been degenerate game play. That’s why they control it, because the players won’t. Whether it’s Zek, or The Maw (Legion’s Maw, not SLs), a hyperspawn, or the frogs in remix. Taking 3 years to lay out an entire subcontinent of terrain, load it all up with encounters, and NPCs, and lore. Creating thousands of bits of trash to drop from the hundreds of mobs to give the world a teeny bit of depth, all to have it reduced to “everybody” finding that singular bell to ring over and over and over and over and over for a crumb of kibble. Plus! PLUS! It’s instanced so it doesn’t naturally rate by a 1000 toons all crammed into a canyon instakilling whenever something spawns. Woo! Even better!

Actually, you know, it is their game, their world, and they do get a say in how it’s played.

Because the game is fabulously complex. Because the decision to make it feed the vault was likely done a year ago, and, golly, the folks in the BETA DIDN’T just spam it because that’s not what they do in BETA. Only when stuff hits live, and the “Players will Player”, do a lot of these things crop up.

This is not new, they’ve been hammering flat these kinds of things since forever.

The bigger issue is delves aren’t being treated like a true endgame pillar for people right of the bell curve. I have absolutely no need to even get keys let alone waste the time looting the box in a bountiful delve.

In fact I have minimal reason to even DO bountiful delves. My Brann is already 57 and his contribution isn’t going to be all that diffrent at 60 vs 57 or when he was 50 or whatever. Doing Zekky 8 times would’ve freed me up to actually suffer through pug keys to practice routing and get more experience with pulls.

Delves, while amusing, aren’t really fun because they can’t tickle that challenge drive and while they can much more so at t11, it lacks any kind of reward BUT that challenge which then becomes a big NOPE from me. I do things for rewards and first and foremost is account progression. Doing something strictly hard for the sake of it is like a very low priority to me. Also delves at t11 basically are just a fortified key in mythic+…nothing is actually different or harder in the execution demands other than just stuff hitting for more brutal numbers and there are more Zekky packs thrown about.

players saving time was detected players wasting time was buffed


It wasn’t a “fun nerf.” They nerfed a situation where one thing was like 10x faster than all other options. That’s pretty reasonable.


I think people forget that this is a job not a game. You have to put in the correct amount of hours to get paid.


The path of least resistance is peoples nature when it comes to gear. Blizzard detected it and removed it. Now people have resistance again for gear the way Blizzard likes it. Blizzard doesn’t want us spamming one boss and get all our loot.

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I don’t want design decisions centered around people wanting the shortest distance between themselves and gear, especially when they will discard that content like an old napkin once they get the gear. If delves are going to survive long-term, it’s going to be as a gameplay mode in its own right, not just as a gearing conduit for sweaty M+/Raiders.


Players will do what is quickest. Blizzard wants people to spend a lot of time playing the game so they are going to nerf something that was quick.

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Just make tier 11 delves worth more vault spots than tier 8. If you do 4 tier 11 delves in a week it should max out the vault with 4 616 ilvl rewards. They also should have done this with M+ vault where if you do higher M+ key than max reward it counts for more than one vault dungeon. Reward the player for doing harder content without breaking the balance or making it unfair.


Causal players were not the people spamming Zek’vir for their vault. I highly doubt most casual players have beat him once. The change is not effecting most the people that do Delves, just a very small percent.


This assumption is your basic mistake.

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8 Bountiful 4 just isn’t enough for how easy that content is,

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Easy for you is not easy for everyone. Not all content needs to be for the top 10%.


Honestly, take Zek’vir (?) and give me 8 keys a week instead of 4 and we’re on a good path.


Normal Zekvir is easy for everyone. Even the people that complain the most about Delves being difficult kill him in just over a minute.

No, it is not and I have killed normal Zek’vir and it took more than a minute. To find out for sure we would need stats on the kill achievement.

Well, I never said less than a minute but I’m sure it’s certainly possible with the times I’ve see people put up with less than optimal play. My kills are just over 80s and I don’t even bother changing into a proper spec for it.

The amount of people whining about not being able to cheese the delve vault is amazing. Yall just really be out here wanting something for nothing.