Zekvir ? by end of season 1 on Dec 1

With the season ending soon and wanting to finish the Glory of the Delver trying to figure out if I can solo this guy. Been told minimum ilvl is 625 and Brann at or near 60 but I do not have that.

Is there any hope of pulling this off being undergeared and not at those levels?

The season isn’t ending soon. I have no idea where you’re getting December 1st as season ending.


The season isn’t ending on Dec 1.

It’s probably ending in like January or February.

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Correct. We know Season 2 will not happen til at least Feb 2025, maybe Mar 2025.


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the anniversary event ends janurary 6th so season 2 begins then

so maybe end of janurary to keep up with 8 week content cadence

I’m curious when season 1 ends as well… do we have anything official to go on here?

We’re getting Plunderstorm before then, so there is no way they will kick off Season two while trying to push Plunderstorm 2.0 on us.

Nothing official, just the roadmap

Your roadmap is out of date— check out what Blizzard’s looks like now with that highlighted square you’ve got. :wink:


So, the flag is updated to show confirmation of player housing… otherwise it is identical LOL :blue_heart:

Yep! I think they were worried people were coming up with Ogres and whatnot for that symbol, so they made it very clear. lol

I’m so excited!!!

season is ending in march the earliest

I just did Zekvir? for the first time on my Arcane Mage with an ilvl of 603 and Brann lvl 32. Only took me a few tries, since I didnt know his cone attack was a one shot and didnt time my blink correctly.

I think its more of a skill fight. Interupt his dot, kill the egg that spawns an add, and avoid the aoe.

I also had Brann as heals if that helps any


Indeed. But some are going to want the gear and the high level Brann to help push them through it. Sometimes, brute force makes up for missing some mechanics. lol

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Killed Zekvir with Brann at level 20. Go for it.

plunderstorm can be with season 2

aint no way plunderstorm will be yet another 2 months. 11.0.7 december 8 weeks later 11.1

also not everyone wants to do plunderstorm so they need to keep up the cadence either way


I updated it slightly to alot for the anticipated months, and speculation of Midnight launch based on them saying “We get housing in Midnight” and I think it will be a Pre-Patch release with some other event. Maybe the questline to build/buy them.

If you look at their infographic, you can see how Plunderstorm overlaps 11.07 and 11.1 meaning Plunderstorm will help wrap up Siren Isle and launch Undermine. If it were not a spacer, but a bullet point, I might agree.

its a fancy flag to make it look 3d you’re reading too deep into it

I have some reaction time/motor issues so usually miss an interrupt or two or dont react as quick so these can be quite hard. Maybe if i have Brann at 60 it will work better although not sure what relics to use.