Zekvir “?” can be done as low as 580 on pretty much everything, if not less.
Zekvir “??” can be done on most specs in under 610, healers, some tanks, and evokers need a bit more. Some dps specs can do zekvir “??” as low as 580. Shadow Priests can do it with as little as 530.
You only need ? for the glory of the delver, and I did ? at I think 608 ilvl on my mage. I’m a pretty bad mage, too when it comes to survival skills. If I can do it, anyone can.
Except I have made transitional sections of infographics for Amazon in the past and this is what we did when the PM would say “float it between this release and that one, but allow for overlap”. Benefits of a 30+ year career in high-end corp environments.
Zekvir Tier ? Is a joke. He falls over pretty easily.
Zekvir Tier ?? Is definitely a challenge, more so on RNG and if Brann is useless or not.
Lowest I did it was on a 614 Warrior with a 46 Brann. More gear and more Brann levels definitely helps ease the learning curve. But know this: it’s a marathon , not a race.
If I did it again at 630 and 55 Brann I’d probably easily down Zekvir yes, it’s still more execution over raw damage tho.
Well, you are partly right, but they want more people clear the mythic. And then we have the buff - will keep increasing, and it does every othet week. I still say mid february.
There’s a new ring coming in 11.0.7 from the Siren Isle new zone, I believe it’ll work similarly like an artifact power like the ones we had in Legion.
This varies wildly by class/spec… I solo’d Zekvir ? as a 600 Ret Pally with Bran around 40-ish (not yet 45 for sure). I think as a caster-class that has to plant-to-cast, this fight would be absolute hell at any ilvl.