Zaralek Cavern is even worse now

The change was idiotic.

But Blizzard wasn’t thinking about how to make gameplay fun (obviously), for anyone.

What happened was that Blizzard’s devs saw all these rares up on the map all the time, and thought it made them look bad.

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I read their explanation for this change and thought, “Who asked for this?” And then read how they were going to also implement a “fix” that would change zoning so that you’d see more people. And I am like, “This is a bandaid on a bullet wound, it’s not gonna work!” People need a reason to go there, and now that rares can despawn if not killed within a specific timeframe, what’s the point?

The only reason to even go to ZC now is to see Sabellion and Wrathion learn how to become closer as brothers.

At this point I’ve exhausted all options available to me as a Community Council member to bring topics like these to the attention of developers but I am far from throwing in the towel.

I’ve posted on the thread made by Martek in the CC forums but if I have to (much to the groans of some of my fellow Council Members) I will make a new thread highlighting this particular oversight of rares despawning while people are actually engaged with them.


It doesnt make sense.

WOW already suffers from old zones being abandoned and now they’ve made it even worse to go back?

I farmed Karokta on like 13 alts twice a week when it was live because I knew it would be a pain to do it post 10.1 but they’ve accelerated how terrible it is.

What happened was that Blizzard’s devs saw all these rares up on the map all the time, and thought it made them look bad.

This is so clearly the reason no matter how much they try to spin it as player-friendly

Again, you need to look at it from the developers’ viewpoint, since all they care about is sweeping stuff under the rug and trying to look good for the boss.

Suppose somebody (I dunno, the president or such) flew through Zaralek on a lark, even though he normally doesn’t go there.

He sees all these rares up, on his zone map.

“Hey developers, why are all these zones up and nobody’s fighting them?”

“You’re right, boss. We’ll make them despawn.”

I agree with that but it doesn’t make sense from a gameplay perspective.

Blizzard’s philosophy on old zones already forces this behavior so its strange to suddenly legislate against it in some fashion to make it even worse.

Now when a player goes down to ZC they’re going to be even more discouraged.

It’s pains me to say this but it really feels like this was the reason. :grimacing:

Like “Lets ignore that one CC member who said our first hotfix 7 months ago was going to be a disaster.” and instead of doing the logical thing in taking our feedback after the wave our sour disgust from the 22nd hotfix when THEY asked for it, they double down on their own ideas and implement those because “We know what’s best, and we know EXACTLLY what the players want!” - this is what it feels like to me.

It’s a terrible zone with boring rat people. Nobody wants to go there anyway. Good riddance.


Ppl stopped killing the rares long before they made them despawn after 15 mins. I definitely can’t solo them, so nothing has changed.

I say get the pitch forks

Have their loot tables been updated?

Maybe if they dropped season 3 currencies and gear more of us would be down there.

Or do they already?


I only did the zone on one alt to the minimum to get the Pathfinder quest done. Now I have been trying to pick up the Engineering knowledge items and even that is a chit-show.

And they plan on more underground zones???

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It made it worse because now you can’t even wait for people to gather, the rares despawn so people are even less inclined to go and try to kill them, you don’t know if it spawned and was killed, if it despawned and you are wasting your time or if it is about to spawn.

The change was supposed to make it better. It did not.

I’ve even tried listing groups for the rares in group finder and all I get is a whole lot of silence. If you didn’t already have all the cosmetics and drops from those rares you are out of luck

The joke is that everyone except the one developer who wanted to push the despawn crap through knew this is exactly what would happen.

Since this change I’ve seen Karokta once (yes, I know there are sub-zones on rotation and one zone is inactive, I have a Google doc that tracks which rares are up that day). Most times I head into the zone and not a single rare is up.

Between Karokta and the stupid druid form drops (0/6 and 0/1 still, awesome!) I literally do nothing but sit and stare at my screen waiting for rares to spawn. Not terribly enjoyable, and also not very good game design as a whole.