WoW Hotfixes - January 8

Yeah I’m gonna need you to undo that change to the Zaralek/Forbidden Reach rares right away. Thanks.


You’re thinking of shards. When there’s no player in a shard’s zone for 15 minutes, the shard shuts down and will restart once someone zones in. If someone remains in that zone/shard, rares spawn on their timers as you would expect.

Anyways, back on topic: This hotfix is just beyond tone deaf.


… WHY make the rares despawn? This is a TERRIBLE idea. We wanted them more often, and lower hp or scaling hp for when people are there solo or there’s only a few folks there. Now no one is going to bother at all. :frowning:


Nonsensical change with the rares. Fixing a problem that doesn’t exist. Please reconsider this awful decision. People that already got their drops off these rares have it made in the shade. To hell with everyone else that hasn’t had the time or just gotten unlucky with drops?

Don’t do this…


As someone who actually has all the drops off everything. I too am disgusted with this change. I’ve been an extremely fierce advocate of changing the system of how special encounters work and this “hotfix” is a slap in the face for future and returning players. I am not one of those that laugh in the face of newcomers or returners or people still struggling to obtain things because I KNOW what its like. I KNOW the grind. And ALL OF IT is HORRIBLE! (Yes I even have Karokta mount and it was a type of suffering I never want to go through again.)


I bet they changed it because it highlights how dead ZC is when you zone in and literally every rare is up.

DF content is not going to age well when the next expansion releases and people want to chase cosmetics and achievements. Good luck with the public events.


Absolutely tone deaf, blizzard. Nobody asked for this. Ion Hazzikostas sits on the couch with Preach talking about respecting players and their time, and then you do this. Shameful. This change was discussed, agreed upon, put into practice, and made it to live servers. Multiple individuals and managers who had to green light this change. Shameful.


So if you’ve generously given us information on how long it takes for them to despawn, would you care to let us know how this affects their respawn? Are the silver dragons just going to be going on and off on the map like christmas lights?


Just drop the hp of the rares for us who want to kill them but cant find people to help


because this company is braindead.

It was just a couple weeks ago Ion said, “We now ask ourselves: does this change make the game more fun for the players?”



I can’t imagine it being very fun in the future when you just arrive to the caverns, see everything up and in your eagerness to get started on the lot, they all despawn before your very eyes because you arrived on the last minute of their allotted 15 minutes of air time.


No, just no. If anything reduce their health pool. This change does nothing except add frustration to a process that’s already been long, tedious, and depends on having groups at the ready constantly. Now if you end up on the rear end of a respawn timer, you miss out for however long it takes for the blasted thing to respawn… :rage:


REVERT THE RARES DESPAWNING. This is not cool or welcomed!!! It will be nearly impossible to ever find them now.


This is a very jarring, anti-player change after all the sweet talk that just happened at BlizzCon.

  • Unpulled rare elites in Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Caverns should now despawn after 15 minutes, unless players are in their immediate vicinity.

Because it wasn’t hard enough already to get the dragon manuscripts, pets, mounts and toys from these rares.


What is this crap? People still need pets/mounts from these rares (zaralek). Know what doesn’t “Respect player time”? is having to go to the zone and wait XXXXXXX time for these to respawn for a small chance at the loot.

I’ve already made another post about old rares this week. They all need to be reduced to a 15 min respawn (like pandaria mount bosses). NOT some variable random 1-2 hours, have fun sitting there doing NOTHING.


Not going to lie, this is a pretty insulting change as someone who’s just now going back to try to solo these rares, farm the items and get the achievements. Not only does this disrespect people’s time, but it also makes the achievement, ‘Cavern Clawbbering’ HARDER to do. Do you expect people to farm 21 claws for each and every single rare? How does that respect their time to make them wait for, and kill Klakatak 21+ times (depending on drop rate)? Not to mention how low the drop rates are on the manuscripts, pets, and other items.

Just reduce their HP and make them soloable instead of this ““hotfix””, because this is just going to de-incentivize players who don’t want to spend 5+ hours in a zone, waiting for the slow crawl of rares to spawn and HOPING someone just happens to be nearby (or a friend is willing) to help them kill the damn things.


The Zaralek rares already have certain days that they don’t spawn, and the collection items from them are such low drop rates.

Their HP should just be cut by a significant amount, and their items should drop more often. On top of that, they should be up more often, not less.


Unpulled rare elites in Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Caverns should now despawn after 15 minutes, unless players are in their immediate vicinity.

So instead of being unable to kill rares because they’re too powerful, we’ll now be unable to kill rares because they’re too powerful and not there.

You can’t possibly be serious. It’s about time to let go of this person. I’d wager they’re the same individual who came up with the idea to limit dragon flying to 80%.

For the sake of whoever fabricated this, let’s hope their name never goes public. Because, trust me, their time in this role wouldn’t last, and this community wouldn’t let them find a similar one ever again.

You know something is really wrong when even the trolls agree with the casuals.

Even my grandmother, who struggles with a mouse, comprehends that this makes absolutely no sense. Maybe consider giving her this position. We would be all better off.

I would like to know… if this is a hotfix… what is the “fix”?

“We now ask ourselves: does this change make the game more fun for the players?”
“Blizzard is letting go of old stubborness”.
“I think lessons learned.”

This change says otherwise.

I’m so over this.


This change has to be reverted, it’s the developers being so out of touch it is embarrassing. I and many others have been asking for proper rare spawns, fights, and drops, so you decide to… do the opposite?

You created a Community Council where you accepted players ranging from all sorts of playstyles so you could listen to feedback easier and you decide to ignore it on top of ALL the posts made on the General Discussion… It is honestly laughable at best.