Zaralek Cavern is even worse now

The cavern was pretty quiet on my realm to begin with, it’s a small realm. That’s ok, the group finder solves most big issues for difficult solo content.

The rares despawning, however, is AWFUL. I’m still trying to finish a couple of transmog sets, and don’t even get me started on Karokta. It’s never up anymore, and there are never groups in the group finder for it because it’s NEVER UP. My map used to be littered with rares waiting to be killed, now I never see a single one.

This was not a great zone to begin with, and now it’s even worse. Please revert the change to the rares despawning… just nerf their health so they can be soloed. The rares in Emerald Dream are a bit too easy for the most part… so somewhere between the two would be great.


I’ve already posted about this repeatedly. They took a look at the terrible situation ZC was in and thought to themselves…How can we make this situation worse?


Like the damn issue with ZC might have fixed itself with the season 3 gear. But no, they had to break it.


Would be cool if all the bots down there could help actual players kill the rares every now and then.


Good thing they elicited the help of the WoW Community Council, they even have their own forums!

Oh… Wait. Feedback ignored per usual.

Truly a joke.


The CC was always gonna be a joke. I know people who got into it, realized that and bailed and now just lurk the CS forum for their jollies instead.


So very sad… A damn shame.

This is a very clear proof of how distant the devs are from the playerbase. Literally, there was noone wanted/asked for this and there was no reason for this change.


3 hours later… no rares, no Karokta, no groups. Not even a ZC rare farming group. =/

The change was surprising. The results are not. It was just stupid, and the exact opposite of what that zone needed.


You should know you have few months to get that stuff done when it’s new until you move on to the new stuff. No one is gonna bother with the caverns now, hell no one was bothering with them 4 weeks after it came out.

It’s almost as though making all the rares despawn when they are left alone somehow removes incentive to go into Zaralek Caverns… this is a very curious and highly unexpected outcome…


So glad I got the shaleray mount before this change went through. I do agree something between ED and ZC would be nice.

I’m still a little salty for how long it takes the less elite rares to spawn in ED, though.

I do know that, but sadly I do not control drop rates of the items I’m trying to get.


I still see groups… Groups of druid bots farming.


Blizzard could easily fix this by just scaling everything down.

50% less health for mobs/elites, 75% less health for Rares and all have damage reduced by 50% at least.

Then maybe people will bother with that zone.

And remove the rare vanish timer.


I’m still missing a few Drake Manuscripts down there but with this change I honestly just give up.

GG, I guess.

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Players: “Blizz, no one goes to ZC because you killed it with changing how rares spawn. Can we please get a way to solo them?”

Blizz: “All ZC rares are now on a 15 minute despawn timer. MuRdErBaLLs!!!”



Guess I’m doing it wrong then :laughing:

Actually, this is what they did. They made it into a zone that feels pointless to play, feels just bad. That way people who want to farm it will instead join mythic raiding guilds that don’t want them and push the highest keys to try to get a title nobody will care about seeing.