Zandalari Trolls on PTR, racial confirmed?

Did anyone say Microtran$actions?

What’s a race change???

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I think the design of it is fine. If anything needs to change, it’s just the amount healed or the cd.

Do keep in mind though, GOTN can be cast on other players, is instant, and will heal for more if you increase your own max health before casting it (i.e. Commanding Shout.)

This racial is self-cast, must be channeled (so you can’t take other actions during it), and can be prevented with CC. It really only seems useful in a situation where you can line the enemy team, (which also risks lining your team.)

Besides, think about what a Healer can do in 4 seconds. A baseline heal for a fresh 120 is already like 10% of someone’s HP before you factor in procs, instant casts, Hots, talents, and character progression.

Even if it’s channeled that level of healing is ridiculous and on such a short CD.

Someone said it can’t be interrupted either right now on PTR which is a joke.
Really sucks to have to save your stun just for that ability. With CC from teammates as well probably not that hard to cast it.

Even if they just get 2 sec of the cast off before being hit with a stun they’ve healed themselves 50% hp…that is OP af.

And a healers job is to heal…but to cc the healer only for the DPS to heal themselves to full in a few seconds is ridiculous.

Unsubbed because of the zand racial. Blizz keeps adding in obviously OP stuff every patch. Christ, at least make it available to all classes… they’re getting so greedy for such a trash product. This game hasn’t brought anything fun since legion. Maybe next expac will be better.

This sounds a lot like what people said about lasso. And here we are lol.

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Zandalari are able to be pallies though. Imagine almost killing a Ret and then he bubbles/bops and full heals while you can’t kick him. Even if the channel gets only 1 tick for 25% hp it’s still essentially the same as hunter exhilaration or lock stone, AND it’s better then either if you get 2 seconds+ :joy:

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I will 100% reroll Zandalari Ret if their racials makes it to live. First thing I’ve ever seen worth a FOTM reroll, and I hate FOTM rerollers. Time to join the dark side I guess…

As soon as you reroll belf silence makes a comeback.

That would be my luck. :wink: At least I have a 2nd BE Ret pally that’s at 110 I would just re-level. Been to lazy to lvl my 2nd for casual arena queues like I did in legion

I have an alt panda. I like palm into cap totem and the goofy animations. Still have my 110 boost from the expac but the thought of having 3 shamans makes me wonder what I’m doing with my life :unamused:

It’s okay. Savix has like 5 ret pallies, I think 3 is acceptable


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Would damp affect it?

That’s a damn good question. To my knowledge I don’t think % based skills are affected by dampening. Would need a holy priest to comment if greater heal (%65 max hp heal) gets affected by damp or not. My guess is it probably will not.

Savix is actually a good player though

Sadistic self-burn. I like it. I’ll get you some ice :joy:

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Changing all my Horde druids to Zandalari… Even being affected by damp this racial will heal more than all my hots+critical nourish, lol.

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Kinda dumb that demon hunters cant be Zandalari Trolls, I want Pterodactyl wings instead of demon wings :frowning:

Nice. Super glad blizz won’t let me be a Zandalar Warlock

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Fantasy bro

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% heals are indeed affected by dampening.