Zandalari Trolls on PTR, racial confirmed?

relax dude it’s just a prank.

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I don’t think KT can be mages…but KT shamans/druids will be ridiculous

Edit: But not as ridiculous as Zandalari

They can be mages.

Zandalari racial is basically Gift of the Naaru half the cooldown and can only be used on yourself.

  • Haymaker(Active): Wind up, then unleash your might upon your foe, dealing 20 Physical damage, stunning for 3 sec, and knocking them back substantially. 2.5 minute cooldown
  • Brush it Off(Passive): Increases Versatility by 1%. When you take damage, heal for 2% of that amount over 4 sec.

Those seem pretty nuts to me.


Please go read the tooltip for the Zand racial again.

Blizz will give it a month or so till the zandalari race change frenzy dries up then nerf the racials by 80% when engaged in pvp.


That’s exactly what they did with Lightforged Draenei lol

Regeneratin’: Regenerate 25% of your maximum health every 1 sec. Lasts 4 seconds. 1.5 min cooldown.
Gift of the Naaru: Heals the target for 20% of the caster’s total health over 5 sec. 3 min cooldown.

Unless that means Zandalari racial won’t be mitigated by healing debuffs like sharpen + ms, it’s pretty much a gift self heal on lower cd.

That’s 25% of your hp, every second, for 4 seconds. You regenerate 100% of your hp in 4 seconds. 90 second cooldown. That is nowhere near comparable to Gift of the Naaru. It’s patently absurd.

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Oh wow, for some reason I thought it said 25% hp over 4 seconds wow yeah that’s busted wtf.

It’s channeled btw.

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PTR testers are saying that while its channeled, it cant be interrupted with kicks. And it can be used in combat. Hard cc is the only way to stop it.

I already stopped caring a while ago - but damn this is something else

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That’s really stupid, it should have healing reduced when in PvP combat to like 25%; 50% max.

Even healing for 50% channeled is dumb on 1 min 30 second cd.



I’d say the Male draeni warriors are the hipsters

That Regeneratin racial is obviously a tooltip bug, it probably is 25% over 4 secs (6.25% per sec) - Which is also strong since its the only race that has 2 active racials

Also Kul Tiran racial is broken af

it will only be 25% total. THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX WHY CANT WOW PEOPLE HAVE COMMON SENSE. there is such things as misinterpreting

Well, that’s not what the tooltip says. I’d like to believe in this “common sense” you speak of, but Blizzard’s track record on that isn’t too good right now.

It will most likely change but it definitely heals 25% per second right now on ptr.

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oh shet. /10char

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Seriously what? 100% of max hp 1 min cd lol.

its channeling but damn.

Wont last long it that’s actually the intended thing, people will just run double troll paladin comps and stuff.