Zandalari Trolls on PTR, racial confirmed?

Hey there, can any one confirm what the racials actually do? Any videos? Any comments on how they will be in the grand scheme of arena?

I hope they are different from the ones listed on wowhead. The current ones are garbage.

Only Alliance Allied races get useful racials for PvP. No idea why U.S. PvPers are still Horde where your choice is literally Orc.


I have no idea myself.

Because hipsterism :crazy_face:

you’re a draenei warrior ok


Subscribed. I’m also very curious to this as I plan to race change. Are these classes playable on the PTR or anything and if so, how could we not have the info?

Pretty stupid how it’s 2019 now and we still can’t play them. I’m tired of this ridiculous time gating for content we bought months ago.


Pterrordax Swoop could have been useful pvp wise in 500 different ways. Stun/knockback/root/short escape instead they make it a slow fall.

Need that slow fall off the pyramid


Do we not have exact specifics on how they work yet?

They’re all potato.

  • Embrace the Loa: Pray to a Loa and gain their favor.

  • City of Gold : Loot additional coin from monsters.

  • Regeneratin’: Concentrate to heal quickly over a short time.

  • Pterrordax Swoop: Can whistle up a Pterrordax to glide you to the ground.

Those have always been on wowhead. I think people are asking what exactly a Loa favor is, or how strong the heal is, or what the glide is specifically like.

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'" these racials are pretty nuts its looking like

Holy :poop: the regenerating is nuts.

Blizzard really starting at that $25 race change like :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

Then they’ll nerf it in 9.0

Greedy bastards


25% of your max hp every second, lasts 4 seconds. W T F


yoooooo that power creep on darkspear trolls, literally no reason to be darkspear.

Take my money blizz

Imagine being an ele shaman draining 40% of someones hp then regenerating 100% of your own

RP walk material right dere

Pay to win inc.
I’m seriously considering looking into their stock before the next patch🤑


Kul Tiran mages can knockback/stun sheep. Awesome.


That regeneration racial can’t be real…

Then again it’s Blizzard