Zandalari Trolls on PTR, racial confirmed?

That’s a damn good question. To my knowledge I don’t think % based skills are affected by dampening. Would need a holy priest to comment if greater heal (%65 max hp heal) gets affected by damp or not. My guess is it probably will not.

Savix is actually a good player though

Sadistic self-burn. I like it. I’ll get you some ice :joy:

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Changing all my Horde druids to Zandalari… Even being affected by damp this racial will heal more than all my hots+critical nourish, lol.

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Kinda dumb that demon hunters cant be Zandalari Trolls, I want Pterodactyl wings instead of demon wings :frowning:

Nice. Super glad blizz won’t let me be a Zandalar Warlock

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Fantasy bro

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% heals are indeed affected by dampening.

Berserking master racial anyway >:)

Well its 25%/sec on PTR and the tooltip says 25%/sec, so common sense would say this is Blizzard’s intention. Assuming they will change anything before it goes live also goes against this “common sense” you speak of since their track record would prove otherwise. Let’s not pretend Blizzard is the pinnacle of racial/class balance right now.

Yeah I wonder if it’s usable in Moonkin Form to. That would be OP

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What’s the big deal about a 1.5m cd lay on hands? Come on guys this is fine. These are all fine. Can you honestly say these racials are any better than Tauren or Worgen? Of course not! This is a balanced game being managed by some of the best developers in the world. We can trust their judgement more so than our very own.


Theres no way that goes live. I’ve never jumped on the “blizzard just trying to get boosts or race change” band wagon, but if this goes live idk how else to view it.

im willing to place a large bet that the heal channel racial will either be canceled on damage/dot ticks OR wont be usable in combat

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damn ok that’s messed up

Holy hell those numbers are stupid. Make sure you guys testing it put in the feedback to the devs. Maybe it will change?

I think it should be reduced to 10% every 1 sec for 4 seconds on a 2 min cd, or 15% every sec for 3 sec on 90 sec cd. As OP as this racial will be, I highly doubt it will last long. But don’t forget to reroll really quick to get that easy 2400+ in the first day or two of the new season.

Excellent. Thanks for linking that! I was wondering where it was just was too dumb to find it lol

Yo, can anyone confirm if the channel is stopped by DOTs? If so, then i feel this is useless in PVP. Almost every class/spec has a dot.