Zandalari trolls are fantastic, only race I didn't want

You aren’t missing much. There’s a lot of stuff up here at 6’4 for you to hit your head on.

Yep-- in ‘Shadows of the Horde’ in one of Vol’jins internal monologues its mentioned that his fur is very short/light. I think it was in reference to how it was basically like no protection from the cold in the mountains.

That release was in the time frame before the War Crimes novel, but after the assasination attempt. Its pretty good.

I don’t really like their Kaméhaméha casting animation and the fact that they can’t be warlock means I can’t play one. Too bad.

For some reason, the Zandalari physique makes me feel like they’re all soccer players.

But you get to look like Luke leaning down in Yoda’s hut.

You know the King of the Murlocs is a Night Elf guy in a Murloc suit? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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So Much this. So much This. :heart_eyes: :point_up:

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Wait, what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Your mistake here is that it’s actually a hadouken, therefore awesome.

[Jungle trolls]: These trolls range from purple to blue, to gray due to short, soft fur. Some jungle trolls have been born with skin-colored a shade of green. These trolls formed the Gurubashi Empire that ruled the south-eastern and south-western jungles of ancient Kalimdor prior to the Great Sundering.

The Darkspear are jungle trolls. Ice trolls also have been known to have fur, and forest trolls sometimes have moss growing on them.

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Oh. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I haven’t noticed before. :confused:

Obviously it’s because if everyone knew about it, then people would be coming up to them to pet their soft fur all the time. :wink:

i love the racials. jumpin off stuff as a lowbie without gliders (soon to be just engineers? cuz blizz). regeneratin’ to keep going. crit because MORE CRIT

really irritates me that they don’t have a sprint anim. and the males dance is bad, sorry

Their druid forms look sweet.

Not a big fan of them. There head armor looks weird. We have no Sethrak skull options : / But I am happy for those that like them.

My darkspear and zandalari toons are the only reason I play this game. Troll master race. Hyped for the sand troll customization in shadowlands. Can your inferior races Slav squat? No. And that’s only one of the many many many many reasons why trolls are the only good race in this whole game

The only good trolls are night elves

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Oh I remember. I bet it’s you!

Vulpera are kinda ugly. Just remodeled goblins with a hack job of a snout slapped on and a tail. Gross.

I personally don’t think they are ugly at all but they have not grown on me at all.