Zandalari trolls are fantastic, only race I didn't want

Zandalari make the best mog farming druids.

5% extra movement speed at all times and extra gold from monsters (very small amount but it adds up if you’re killing thousands of mobs on the daily)

Fox bag space and personal hearth come close, but I still think the Zandys win.

Didn’t nelfs suffer the same problem? I thought they had. If so, there must be something about that character frame, lol.

No, Night elves just get random stuff stolen by murlocs, night elves treat them more as pests.

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Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve read the old lore.

To each their own.

I unlocked every race, and the only ‘new’ one I actively play is Vulpera.

Zandalari are the only good paladin race.


That I completely disagree with. But they make awesome warriors and Druids.

Ah yes the chin with legs model.

Luckyyy I’m only 5’11. My Dad is 6’2” so I get t be reminded of what I could have been whenever I stop by to visit. Stupid genetic math.

Two handed weapons for Zandalari Fury Warriors hang at a weird squished x angle that makes the weapons seem like they are stretched. I don’t like it.

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Huh, I dont think I’ve noticed this before.

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I haven’t either…fake news

Bubble, racial FULL heal, while keeping aggro in M+ and not using mana is VERY O.P.

Agreed. Best allied race hands down. You can feel all the love that went into making them.


You have great taste.

It’s not their fault. They expected to get eaten by monsters or stabbed by snake people. Nobody can be prepared to get yiffed to death by furry goblins.

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Zappyboi trollscapes.

Zandalari Empire in Lore: Our rule of Azeroth is ordained by our gods, all outsiders are worthless rabble, Disrespect our ancient ways and we will cut off your head and drain your blood down the Pyramid.

Zandalari Empire in game: I name you Speaker of the Horde, now and give us reasons to be Allies even though I should’ve totally killed you on sight.

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That sounds like an amazing punishment for criminals of the Horde. You know how orc players complain about how Blood Elves ruined the Horde? Well let’s see how they take exile in the land of anime foxes!

To be fair, it’s really hard to kill a turtle. They’re kinda known for that.

Trolls are peaches. Got it…

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