Zandalari trolls are fantastic, only race I didn't want

I finally unlocked every horde race and the Zandalari was the only one I just did not care about but after starting one…man they are great.

Vurpera what…?


Honestly, after questing in Zandalar I find the Zandalari to be rather… pathetic.

I mean, they send their worst criminals to die in the land of cutesy little anime foxes.

And no Zandalari ever returns from the land where geriatric cartoon turtles go every few years to hear some stories.

I mean, come on!


I’m taking about the models and animations.

I mean, they are so pathetic that their worst criminals actually die in the land of cutesy little anime foxes.


I got a Zandalari Pally girl and she has pretty much the same model and animations as the regular Troll lol


Im still better sorry

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Trolls are known to be genocided by murlocs. They aren’t a big deal after all.


One of them wears a skull on her head. They can be pretty metal.



Know your places beneath our three-toed feet


Yes but we’re prettier and have a much sexier accent.

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Not really. Unlike the regular Trolls, which have one cute face, the Zandalari have none. And they have soft skin, unlike the the scaly Zandalari skin.

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Actually regular trolls are covered in fur, not skin.

First, any furry creature has skin beneath the fur.

Second, this has apparently been retconned since Trolls have no fur on the super detailed HD cinematics.



Blizzard NEVER retcons anything. EVER.

Trolls are furry, they can’t take that away.

Naw, the females are just taller, uglier, moldy versions of regular Trolls and the males are just moldy male Night Elves badly cosplaying as Trolls.

They are too tall for my liking.

I am a giant IRL. I don’t like being one in video games.

I think trolls are more “you don’t notice the fuzz unless you touch them” then you get that slightly fuzz touch

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You get a Zandalari so you can be tall… that’s it, you get a male Zandalari so you can be tall and stand straight.

Also different animations.