Zandalari Troll Paladins are an Abomination

You are definitely confused. What I’m saying is we don’t need an epic to make changes in the game. Sometimes, things can just happen. That said, we’ve been getting lore that supports blizzard’s decision, you just don’t like it, so it doesn’t work, right? There is no reasoning with people like you, who ignore facts, and past events.


It would be nice, I’m not against it, it just doesn’t need to happen for every decision and choice made by the creators.


No, freethinkers were not Paladins, and were never even stated to be Paladins. You can read over the quest text, as it was copied over into this thread already.

If the quest text of: “Your pagan ways are neither understood nor appreciated by Zandalar” isn’t enough, the fact that this comes later: " Do what you must to defeat our enemies, Paladin. Even if it means channeling the Light. <Jin’rokh shudders.>" should speak volumes about the Zandalari and the Light. At least from Vanilla WoW up until Prelates appeared in MoP.


False moral equivalency. Necromancy is abhorrent among humans. For the zandalari, necromancy is part of their culture.

I’m closed minded because I’m more open minded regarding race/class combos. We’ll pretend that almost makes sense if it makes you feel better. And you’re still clearly missing the entire point about troll paladins using the light. It’s the same light via a different conduit. It’s no different than the druids you mentioned so you disproved your own point. All druids use nature magic just as all paladins use holy magic. Stop talking before you disprove any more of your points.

Because you’re damning one class/race combo for a standard which no others race/class combos meet.


The lore demonstrated you can channel Light if you’re just zealously devoted to something and morality doesn’t matter, examples being Twilight’s Hammer Paladins, Arthas and Scarlet Crusade. Or you can just channel it through pure sheer willpower like Benedictus even if you don’t have faith in the Light.

In case of Zandalari, you can clearly see Devotion is huge part of their society with their Loas. Prelates in particular seems to revere Light and they’re devoted to their Loas, that’s enough reason for them to be Light Warriors.

There’s nothing lore breaking about it.


And that doesn’t make the slightest difference. The loa serve all trolls, not just the zandalari. Remember the lore intro for Darkspear trolls? Gonk, the raptor loa was part of that story. Remember the Darkspear/Gurubashi quests involving Bwonsamdi? All trolls worship the same loa. You have splinter groups like the Hakkari, but even they still believe in all the other loa. And the reason I say Vol’jin will be a loa is because when you’re trying to place his urn among the dead kings, Bwonsamdi says he needs vol’jin at his temple because they have unfinished business, when you take it to the temple, you realize there is no spirit for Bwonsamdi to take. He mutters something about “how can vol’jin be beyond my reach…only if he has become a…” and trails off. Dude’s gonna be a loa.

Keep in mind that jin’rokh is also one of the Zandalari who sided with Zul and who has likely always been part of the plot against Rastakhan and the loa. Of course he would be against the Freethinkers who were using the light. And of course they were never stated to be paladins, they were freethinkers just the same way that the newer zandalari prelates are called prelates, not paladins. Y’all keep getting hung up on the word paladin. They’re holy warriors. The only class that fits that mold is paladin. So that’s the class they’re built on. There are tons of in-game classes that are built on player classes but have different lore names.

Jin’rokh was in Throne of Thunder, the only place we had even seen Prelates until Dazar’alor.

Look, I’ve come to peace with the fact that there’ll be Voodoodins. But I’m also a stickler to the lore, so that when someone claims Zandalar had Paladins in Vanilla, I want to correct it. Being correct doesn’t change MoP and BfA’s Prelates, except that it might clarify when they came about.


It’s actually not. Reanimating the dead is against Zandalari beliefs as it denies the dead going to Bwonsamdi. The Zandalari mummify their dead and let their souls pass into the shadowlands. Humans, on the other hand, have tons of necromancers and are also allied with the undead by way of the Knights of the Ebon Blade who continue to raise the dead without a single moral objection from the Alliance.


The specific part you quoted and I replied to was a quote from ZG, not ToT. Back in vanilla. So yes, there was already lore about Zandalari using the light and some Zandalari (likely Zul and his followers) who didn’t trust them, likely because they knew they’d side with the loa when Zul tried to overthrow Rastakhan. They might have started out as Freethinkers and later became Prelates after forming their order, same way knights became paladins after being trained to use the light and formed the knights of the silver hand.

No, there was not. Nothing in the entire questline or any other lore said anything about the Zandalari using the Light. Not even the “freethinkers” were said to have used the Light.

And that makes no sense, because the Prelates in Throne of Thunder (the only thing we’d even seen of Trolls using the Light at all at that point) were following Zul.


If you play Horde side (not sure if you have), you learn that many Zandalari went with Zul when he took the navy to Pandaria. These were trolls from all parts of Zandalari society, not just trolls who were in on the plot to kill the loa and seize control for Ghuun.

And those were certainly NOT the only trolls seen to wield the Light. Even troll priests use the Light as has been confirmed for many years. If you’ve ever seen a troll priest use a healing spell, you’ve seen a troll use the Light. Going all the way back to vanilla.


Yes, I very recently leveled my Horde alt to 120, and I know that the plot to kill the Loa and seize control for G’huun didn’t even happen until after Zul helped raise the Thunder King in MoP. Zul himself says he learned much about how to do that while on Pandaria (and also from the stuff that happened during WotLK in Gundrak), which of course wasn’t in vanilla WoW.

And the Zandalari on Yojamba Isle were sent by Rastakhan himself, not Zul. Though I’m not sure if that’s even part of your argument. Just putting it out there. In fact, one of the quest givers there was given a demotion because he bragged to Zul. See: Exzhal in Dazar’alor.

Darkspear Trolls and other Trolls using holy spells does not translate into them “Using the Light”. And we’re talking about the Zandalari Trolls. None of their Priests even used holy spells. Take the questgiver for the Priest items, for example: Al’tabim the All-Seeing. He uses shadow spells.

The first time we see any Zandalari using holy spells is in Cataclysm, in Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman. You know: Zul’s followers. (Well, it has to be Zul, otherwise the Horde are colossal idiots for allying themselves with the Zandalari).

And Priests are still not Paladins.




Priests are not paladins, correct. But Paladins are warriors trained by Priests to use the Light.

Edit: remove the “BOOP” before the links, had to add in text to get around not having link privileges yet.

And this shows that the Zandalari had Paladins in Vanilla… how?

It’s in direct response to you saying that trolls never used the Light. Examples of trolls using the Light and a senior writer for WoW confirming that trolls do in fact use the exact same Light as humans and Draenei.

I stated exactly when we first saw the Zandalari using the Light. But it’s not about whether they do now but whether they did then AND that the freethinkers used the Light. There is no evidence supporting that.

So do Humans:

  • the scourge was founded by human necromancers and gave rise to Arthas and the Lich king.
  • The Horde were bought into Azeroth by Medivh.
  • Human Warlocks, Death Knights and Shadow Priests
  • Human members of the Twilight hammer.

Boy with that alone, Humans shouldn’t be Paladins either going by your logic.

The Forsaken say hello.

Same could be said with Dwarves, but guess what? :grin:

As stated above.