Zandalari Troll Paladins are an Abomination

Exactly why a blood elf should not be a paladin either… blood knights, what a joke - just call them something else.

I completely agree with you. Blizz is ridiculous. But for that matter blood elves don’t deserve to be paladins either. The “trolls” respond with humans don’t deserve to be because they’re locks, etc… but the thing is, that’s not the majority of humans or even the Alliance. Alliance is much more about good and the light than the Horde has ever been or ever will be.

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I like zandalari paladins. I’ve been tempted to swap my pally to horde many times for a better end game experience. The main thing holding me back is the Zandalari are the only paladin horde race I like. I don’t have them unlocked and I don’t want to grind a different horde character to get what I want.

The game has always been loose with the lore. I typically fall in favor of choice and fun over strict adherence to lore.

Lol the biggest joke are the space goats.

We do not know what blizzard will do to either faction. Personally I stop to help alliance when I am out and about. I love paladin lore and i wish blizzard had given horde paladins in vanilla amd shamans to alliance in vanilla.

what i like about the zandalari is that when you loot you get extra mony from kills that give money. And ut tells you how much extra you get.

Also the gift of the loa you worship is also an interesting racial.

Holy crap, this thread is a prime example of why people should not intermix real world personal politics with fantasy.

But, if you want a real life equivalent…your argument is practically the same view the Romans took when viewing the Germanic people.

Furthermore, cultures are dynamic and inevitably change with time.

Learn your RP boy. Rezan a Loa of Light. They add Pally Npc since long ago.
There is even Zandalari who worship Elune over an actual Loa so
As human u can use necromancy so here your point invalid.
Now bye bye …

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Just wait. The rep grind will be removed soon

Zandarli paladins are perfectly reasonable. The zandarli empire existed for thousands of years. The prelates (paladins) received their holy power through their strong belief in the loa. Namely rezan. But he is gone and yet they still retain their abilities through belief. They are the elite forces of the armies and have been for thousands of years.

Human priests learned to combine holy magic and martial skill to become paladins in a span of only a few decades.

In game terms the dranei, humans, blood elves, and Tauren, and zandarli trolls are all paladins with the same abilities. But lorewise they are different with different ways to derive their abilities In the paladin campaign you even got to recruit a night elf who entered the paladin order. Any race has the ability to wield the light if their devotion is strong enough. The forsaken are the odd one. Lorewise they were only shadow priests because the use of the light hurt them. But the order hall leader is an undead holy priest.

Zandarli were simply the first “paladins” of the civilized races of aZeroth. They are just as diverse as any other race.

In recent history the humans of Azeroth have proven the ability to surpass the depravity of even the most evil trolls. Kel’thusad and his homicidal followers come to mind. Stalvin mistmantle. Even the orca, Tauren, numerous troll sub races, pandaren, and the night elves have their red headed step children.

LOL, all dat armor…