Zaleth on the Go Daily Causing Disconnect

Just picked up the daily quest, Zaleth On The Go from the Whelpling Daycare and every time I use any of the three abilities for the whelpling race, I get instantly disconnected. I’ve tried disabling addons and resetting my UI. Nothing seems to work.


ditto here


updating…i did manage to finish the race…no blinking though…only used #2 on the vertical sections to stay afloat…

bronze time…but i dont care :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh, I’ll give that a try. Thanks for the update.

Evidently this has been bugged for awhile. I just got to it and am experiencing the same issue unfortunately.

EDIT: It’s possible to use the blink in midair and not disconnect, but it has no rhyme or reason as to why it works or doesn’t, so I would consider it a hefty gamble.

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This quest is a joke and has no credibility or value until the devs fix the moronic “kicking the board over” ways the system can make you lose through no fault of your own.


It’s blizzards bad bot detection coding. The game will also disconnect you now if you get drunk in game due to the random movements of the in game drunk mechanic while flying.

Small indie company at it again.


Exact same issue experiencing here. Whenever I go to use an ability I’ll get instantly disconnected from the game server.

Seems to happen more if I use an ability too close to one another or if I am too close to a ring you are supposed to fly thru.

Came here to report the same issue, using blink ability 1 causes disconnects nearly every time while on quest ‘Zaleth on the Go’.

99.302 seconds after an hour of attempts.
Never blink without making sure you are aiming completely level. Any vertical displacement will almost always disconnect you. You will also disconnect if you blink past a ‘zone’ (where the area you are ‘in’ changes names)
Use blink at the start, then activate acceleration, blink again before the 4th ring (where the long downward stretch begins)
Always refresh your vigor with 2-3 seconds left on acceleration (watch the buff, not the cooldown) then activate acceleration again.
You can generally blink through all the updrafts, don’t miss any speed boosts.
You can blink twice in a row (as it comes off CD) when the zone changes to ‘Felbane Hold’ and again in ‘Meredar’
The final stretch there aren’t many good places to try to blink, trial and error helps.
Good luck on Gold times, everyone. I need to go punch a wall. Blizzard, you had better fix this by the time it comes back up in the rotation next week.

Edit: Corrected the timing of the 2nd blink

Popping in to commiserate with my fellow players about this pseudo-broken daily quest.  I’ve already been disconnected twice.  (Last attempt was so bad that when I reconnected and tried to login, I got stuck on the loading screen and had to restart the client.)

Absolutely do not use Blink!  It’s not worth the high risk of disconnecting.

I am having the same issue as well. I have tried it twice and both times I got disconnected.

Really appreciate the likely excruciating effort it took to get through this and find a way to gold for those that want it. Sadly I will be waiting for a fix, as my new puppy doesn’t let me have that kind of time anymore. :joy:


This is good advice, except I still disconnect on the first blink. Guess I’ll have to check my orientation.

Just completed it while only using 2nd and 3rd ability. Definitely doable, but annoying that you can’t get gold.

Came here to start the thread, disappointed it’s not just me.
By the way, I don’t use any addons, so it’s not that.

still broken

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Same here. Definitely happens when you use the blink boost ability.

This is very frustrating. Firstly due to the broken ability and disconnect. But now compounded even more that I’m stuck on a loading screen mid-race in Suramar; unable to log-in and even quit the quest to be able to move onward to something else.

Confirmed, using ability 1 causes my game to crash every time. Was able to finish by not using the first ability.

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