Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

So you say I am abusive because i don’t agree with, i am crying because I am explaning to you the VTK system isn’t broke. You tell me i can’t read because i don’t agree with you, you insult my cognitive skills because i don’t agree with you…


so YOU say that Blizzards INTENT was to kick players who refuse to give up their drops?


The intent is you can be kicked for anything as long as the majority agrees. I believe they don’t want to police interactions between players.


Again I wasn’t there I don’t know the whole story all i can say this from vantage is it isn’t broke, no rules were broken.

And if people are really intent on grieving someone they will find a work around any new system in place. But as for now the system is fine any changes could backfire and make it easier for people to grieve you and harder to remove them.


I sure they dont have time enough to moderate
They CAN change it to make it betteer tho


I completely agree with this. When ever someone whispers me with something like “need?” or “I need”, I just ignore them. Have some god dam decency to greet me with the appropriate question.


“Crying at me isnt going to make any difference or change my mind. You know that right? So how much time of your time to do you plan on wasting trying to convince me that the abuses are ok?”

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You sound like you really need to drink some juice or something. You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point.


absolutely agree.
Im running the Manor as Im typing this…well just finished
Got a 355 leather feet and asked twice if anyone needs them because Ive already got 355 feet.
i dont mind at all sharing drops if someone needs them…but I dont allow pushing.


I think the point isn’t that abuses are ok, it’s that they are not within the realm of Blizzard’s policing responsibilities, so they are not going to do anything to change it.

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Actually the thread belongs to Blizzard, if you post something they have a right to retort. I am sorry but not everyone is going to agree with you.


Well, right…they cant police all the abuses. Which is why there are no rules for kicking. Rules would have to be enforced = man hours to deal with it = $$$.
They added in the 30 minute timer when kicked over abuses. They can make a change to help curb this kind of abuse.
Two vote kicks per day per player.
if one needs more than that my guess is that THEY are actually the problem.


I didn’t say you were lying. I was saying we likely weren’t getting the whole story. Your attitude in this and past threads of trying to insult people the second they disagree with you really isn’t helping your case that this just happened completely out of the blue.



No, it doesn’t work fine.


I hate those that are greedy for other people’s loot. It is your loot after all, and you have every right to do with it what you please.

But instead of ignoring them, maybe just let them know you need it for what ever purpose you want it for.


I didn’t say you were lying. I was saying we likely weren’t getting the whole story.

“I dont like what you said, therefore you arent telling the truth” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Sorry friend, but I dont lie. You’ll have to come to terms with the facts as presented in the OP.

Your attitude in this and past threads of trying to insult people the second they disagree with you really isn’t helping your case that this just happened completely out of the blue.

ive been saying ive seen vote kick abuses for 19 months and now Im confirming that and you think thats odd :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Please dont sit on a jury thats ever deciding my fate.


With all due respect, every one of these threads has one or more people claiming “We’re not getting the whole story”… Is it really that hard to believe people are abusing the system?


It’s not that hard to fish for votekick abuse, I was doing timewalk today and I was on votekick. Thankfully I was playing with a friend otherwise I’d be out.
Wanna know the reason for the kick?
I wasn’t talking, I wasn’t screwing around, was as good as the first DPS if I wasn’t the first one for the total run.


He was being pushy from the start. It was not a good idea for me to respond once that started. Im more worried about my response once that happens than i am theirs. Better to just let the mental reject kick me rather than risk a silence.

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