Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

Yes, we did. It still doesn’t change the fact that she has become a fanatical follower of the Light and is giving an ultimatum: join/be forcibly converted, or die.

She has literally started a religious war, and no amount of spin you attempt to do is going to change that or make it suddenly ok.


At least we got the Mag’har’s side of the story… more than can be said for Yrel and co (note how no characters talk about reparations for the Iron Horde, and how many fans thought the Orcs were getting off scot-free at the end of WoD).

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Might be beating a dead horse here. Thadeus loves to ignore that little factoid which was one of the first signs that the naaru may have only been fighting the Legion simply because they were in the way.


Not even the in-universe religion being correct in-universe?

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So because there were no reparations that means they deserved to be forced into a religion or die? Also, the idea of reparations is terrible. It just causes more problems.

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What evidence do you have that Xe’ra Lightforging Illidan would have taken away his free will? All the cinematic showed was her trying to swap his Fel magic for the Light by force (she wasn’t mind-controlling the Lightforged Draenei or the “Holy Dreadlord”/possible death mole Lothraxion). There’s no evidence Lightforging = mind control beyond a few - usually edgy - fan theories.


I brought this up in the other topic: Sermon of the High Exarch? This drops during the Mag’har recruitment and was written by Yrel as she is the High Exarch in Alternate Draenor.

Brothers and sisters,

Decades have passed since the last vestiges of the Legion were driven from Draenor. We could not have accomplished this noble undertaking without the help of the orc clans, united as the Mag’har.

Our fondest wish is for all the people of Draenor to remain unified in purpose. Sadly, this dream is not shared by all of those who once stood beside us.

Many noble orcs have embraced the Light. Exarch Hellscream has been an example for his people to follow. Yet sadly, his own father resists the true path.

I believe with all my heart that the Mag’har are destined to join us as servants of the Light. But first, they must be taught to trust the naaru as we do.

The Light Mother has blessed me with visions. I know that one day the Army of the Light will march across the Great Dark Beyond and bring order to countless worlds.

That bold future begins here. With us. We must make Draenor whole again.

I call upon you all to ensure that the future promised by the Light Mother is fulfilled. Purge the infection that prevents Draenor’s heart from being whole.

The Light will forge a new future for the orcs… but first, we must save the Mag’har from themselves.

No more division. No more defiance. In the Light, we shall be one.

Without the Burning Legion, the draenei have gone off the deep end. Yrel is talking about literally traveling the cosmos and doing to other worlds what they have started on Draenor. How is subjugating a world in the name of the Light going to be any different from what the Legion was doing?

Ok, so the worlds aren’t going to be burning in felfire, and will look aesthetically pleasing. That’s nice. Do you think a slave is going to care about the difference between felfire burning them and the Light for daring to resist?


Good point on reparations. How about justice? What punishment did Grom and the other surviving members of the Iron Horde endure? There’s no mention of that.

They’re finishing up a foreshadowing concept they placed on Yrel. That’s why we’re going back to her.


And that one sermon, which also neglects to mention the Iron Horde, accurately represents 30 years of history?

Your argument would carry more weight if the Iron Horde didn’t happen… but it did.


You don’t know if there weren’t any.

Illidan said no. Xe’ra said yes. Therefore taking away free will. Next.


Yes… just as you don’t know if there were any.

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So why are you even asking me?

Burning Legion ≠ Lightbound. 1) The Lightbound don’t have sadistic infighting. 2) The Lightbound are internally forgiving of weakness and failure unlike the Legion 3) Lightbound aren’t trying to destroy the universe 4) They aren’t causing environmental damage (side note: Lightforged Draenei have non-Lightforged kids, so Lightforging isn’t that pervasive) 5) We don’t know the Light’s endgame, and until the authors confirm it anything anyone else says it is, such as “rule the universe as dictators”, is nothing but fan theory.


You seem to know a lot about the Lightbound for having seen only a fraction of what they can be. Need I point out Turalyon torturing people with his Void Wife for information?

I’m asking to show that saying it’s just a “big bad fanatics” situation is oversimplification.

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Because that’s what it is. You cannot give someone the choice of “join our religion or die” and still be in the right. Never. I don’t know why you’re trying to argue otherwise.


While I think I see what you’re getting at there, to split hairs, Turalyon restrained them while Alleria his Void Wife did the actual torturing.

Ok, bookmarked for September 1st. Will revisit again once the next expansion is announced if we’ve not seen progress on this story thread as the general assumption is a war against the Light in some manner is going to happen sooner rather than later.

Hey, stubborn fool: do I reserve the right to tell you “I told you so” if we do indeed have to fight the Lightbound at some point due to them wanting to forcibly subjugate Azeroth or its people?